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In the club room:

Ritsu: Welcome to the Light Music Club!Yui: Here, come on! Have a seat

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Ritsu: Welcome to the Light Music Club!
Yui: Here, come on! Have a seat.
Tsumugi: What's your name?
Azusa: It's Nakano
Ritsu: What instrument do you play?
Azusa: Well-
Yui: What's your favorite food?
Mio: (Settle down, you guys.)
Sonic: They're really pushing her.
Riko: Yeah.
Azusa: Well, I'm Nanako Azusa from Class 1-2. I can play some guitar.
Ritsu: Oh, same as Yui and Sonic.
Azusa: Please look after me, Yui-senpai, Sonic-senpai.
Sonic: Senpai...?
Yui: Yui-senpai... Senpai! Senpai!

 Senpai! Senpai!

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Sonic: Uhh...
Ritsu, Azusa: Hey, come back..
Yui: To start, could you play something for us?
Sonic: Yeah, let's see what you got.
Azusa: I'm still a beginner, so I'm not that good.
Yui: Don't worry. I'll teach you.
Sonic: Really...?
Mio: Oh, already patronizing her, huh?
Azusa: T-Then...
Azusa starts playing as everyone was surprised.

Azusa starts playing as everyone was surprised

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Sonic: Heh, okay...
Riko: Whoa.
Mio: S-She's good.
Yui: So much better than me.
Azusa: (W-What do I do now? The atmosphere's weird... It's probably because I played so poorly.) I'm sorry. That must have been hard to listen to.
Mio: No, not at all.
Sonic: What are you talking about? That was great. For a beginner like you, you're high up.
Yui: Well, you've got a long way to go.
Everyone: Ehh?!
Ritsu: *Whisper* Hey, Yui. How much longer do you plan to bluff?
Azusa: Wow! I want to hear both your playing again!
Sonic: Sure.
Yui: Well... Gh...! I hurt my back during the concert, so maybe some other time.
Sonic, Riko: Wow...
Mio: (Terrible.)
Ritsu: Just step aside. Anyway, you want to join the club, right?
Azusa: Yes! I was impressed by your playing st the Freshman Welcoming concert. Please take care of me from now on.
Yui: She's so pure, it blinds me!
Azusa: Oh yeah. Here's my club application.
Ritsu: Alright, it's accepted. Start coming tomorrow.
Azusa: Okay. Excuse me then.
Azusa leaves the room.
Yui: What should I do?!
Ritsu, Mio: Go practice.
Sonic: Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you.

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