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In school:

New Years is over as the new students checked in to see if they're attending the new school

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New Years is over as the new students checked in to see if they're attending the new school. Ui checks in the school as she sees her name on the board.
Yui: Ui!
Ui: Hmm?
Yui: W-W-W-Were you...
Ui: Why're you so nervous?
Yui: But...
Ui: My name's there. I was accepted.
Yui: Really?
Ui: Yeah.
Sonic: That's great, Ui.
Yui starts to tear up as she hugs Ui.
Ui: O-Onee-chan, I cant breathe.
Sonic: Good job, Ui.
Sonic pats on Yui and Ui's hair.
Ui: Hehe.
Yui: Good job! Good job! Thank you! Hi. Ui here was able to pass the exam with everyone's help.
Sonic puts his hands on both of their shoulders.
Sonic: C'mon, you two.
Yui, Ui: Hehe.
Mio takes a picture of them smiling together.

Mio takes a picture of them smiling together

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Tsumugi: Looks like she's been accepted.
Riko: Yeah.
Mio: Yui is acting mor is the excited.
Ritsu: Like a doting mother. No, doting sister, I guess.
Mio: Sonic's like a big brother to them.
Tsumugi: Yeah.
Sonic turns around as Riko gives him a thumbs up. Sonic looks at him with a weird face.
Tsumugi: Congratulations, Ui-chan.
Ritsu: Good job!
Ui: Thank you, everyone.
A girl walks towards the board as she sees her name.
???: I'm there.
They go inside as they're boards of which class the students are going to.
Girl: We're in the same class again!
Girl2: And Akai-sensei is the home room teacher.
Yui: Let's see... Found it. I'm in Class 2.
Ritsu: Me too.
Sonic: I'm also in Class 2.
Yui: Then maybe that means... you three are in Class 2 too!
Mio: Class 1...
Riko: Same here...
Tsumugi: Me too.
Yui, Ritsu: Ugh...
Sonic: Hmm?
Mio: Wh-What's with those looks?
Ritsu: Come visit us any time if you miss us.
Mio: Don't treat us like an elementary school kid!
Yui: Sonic-kun, we're gonna be in the same class together again!
Sonic: Yeah.
Mio: Are you fine being away from me? You can't see my homework anymore.
Ritsu: I'm totally fine! Since I have Sonic now.
Sonic: That doesn't mean you're gonna see my homework.
Ui: Hi, everyone. Good morning.
Ui was wearing the school's uniform.
Ritsu: Looks good on you.
Tsumugi: You look so pure.
Ui: D-Do I? Onee-chan, on your collar...
Yui: Huh?
Ui takes out the dry cleaner tag as it was on her collar.
Ui: The dry cleaner's tag is still there.
Yui: Oh, it is.
Ui: And... you hair's sticking up here.
Ui gets a comb and puts her hair down.
Yui: I was in a rush this morning.
Sonic: That's because you were sleeping
Ui: Starting tomorrow, let's wake up a little earlier.
Yui: Yeah.
Ritsu: Shouldn't the roles of who's older and younger be switched?
Mio, Tsumugi: Mhmm.
The bell rings.
Ui: Anyway, see you later.
Ui walks away.
Ritsu: We should get going too.
Yui: Oh? Is Class 2 on the second floor?
Sonic: Yeah.
Ritsu: That's totally like upperclassmen. See ya, Class 1's second-year-stuck-on-the-first-floor.
Mio: Shush!
Sonic: We'll see you during recess.
Sonic turns around as Riko thumbs up Sonic. Sonic does weird face as they go upstairs.
Riko: Did she really have to say that?
Mio: I know right?
Tsumugi: Well, at least we're here.
Riko: Yeah. We should get going.
Mio: Yeah.
The go in Class 1 as Nodoka was there.
Riko: Hmm? Is that?
Nodoka: Hmm? Oh, it's you three. Great. Since I'm in a different class than Yui and Sonic, I was worried I wouldn't know anyone here.
Mio: Yeah, me too.
Nodoka: So for this next year, let's work together.
Riko: Sure.
Tsumugi: Okay.
Mio: Mhmm.

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