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Okay but- Look how perfect he is! I love him.

Draco Malfoy

I sat beside Emerald, I don't particularly know why. But here we are.

Her and Hannah were talking in French again so neither of us could understand what they were saying, which was incredibly irritating.

It couldn't have been that important seeing as their voices were pretty monotone and nothing really interesting seemed to be going on.

Suddenly professor Snape came gliding into the room. His black robes draping to the floor as they gave him the illusion of floating.

"Today we will be learning to brew a simple love potion. You will be working to the person directly beside you. Take out your textbooks, the instructions and the ingredients are provided on page 279. You may.. begin." His voice drawled out and took all life out of the classroom.

Guess I'm working with Emerald.

"Well, looks like we're partners. Do you want to go grab the items or should I?" She was facing me now waiting for a response.

"Yeah, you go. I'll get the cauldron set up." She nodded and stood up with her textbook.

As she made her way to the cabinet with all of the ingredients in it. I pulled out a cauldron that was sitting underneath of our table.

Olivia Emerald

I went to the cabinet to get the supplies we needed.

Eye of newt, purple butterfly wings, and..what in gods name is leaf of mongrol?

But luckily Blaise had also come up to get the supplies with me. He had helped me out.

When I got back to the table Draco had already set up and was reading the instructions, I presume.

I set them down on the table and sat down.

I turned my head to see the piercing grey eyes of Draco Malfoy looking right back into mine.

"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

He handed me his textbook, and looked at me like i was supposed to know what I was supposed to do with this.

"You stir, i'll add the ingredients. We'll get it done faster this way." I nodded and handed him the ingredients.

His fingers brushed against mine as I handed him the small vials of potion ingredients.

His touch sent shivers down my back and I didn't know why.

He seemed to feel it too as his fingers lingered on mine for a moment or two.

He pulled his hand away and started getting the ingredients ready.

I looked down at my hand pondering why it made me feel that way.

It was Malfoy, I don't get it.

It had felt like I had some sort of feeling for him. Sure he could be a good friend but that wasn't a friendly feeling. It felt like a million butterflies were floating around in my gut, it felt like my heart was going to beat outside of my chest, but it most certainly did not feel bad. In fact I kind of enjoyed our little moment.

I wondered if it had seemed that way to him. Of course it hasn't, it was Draco. He had a new girl in his bed each night and he never even considered a serious relationship.

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