Chapter Two

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~ About a week later ~

I’m still a little confused as to why he acted the way he did, but I’m trying not to dwell on it right now since I’m at the movies with Dallas, Blade, and Blair. My neck is still bruised, so when they asked about it, I said someone had tried to mug me. They took me to the hunting store and bought me a cool hunting/pocket knife for self-defence. 

I tried to say I didn’t need one, but they insisted and got ones for themselves also so I couldn’t say no. We even got our names engraved on them. 

I felt bad for lying, but I’m glad they believed me because what really happened is a topic I do not want to discuss; especially with my twin brother and besties. They’d kill him. Literally. 

Anyway, we just finished watching Rampage -George is HILARIOUS- and now we’re messing around in the arcade like eight year olds. I love my friends.

We were having so much fun that we didn’t realize how late it had gotten. It was already almost midnight. 

“Guys it’s late, we should probably head home,” Blair suggested.

“Awwwwww, but it’s not even midnight yettttt,” the boys whined in unison; sometimes I wonder if they are actually twins.

“Yeah, but Gunner and Archer are coming home from college tomorrow and I want to get some sleep for whatever they have planned; you know how much they like taking us to awesome, random places.”

She would never admit it, but she had a little crush on her oldest brother’s best friend.

“Yeah right,” Blade said, “you just want to get some much needed beauty sleep.”

“HEY!” we both said, slapping him upside the head.

“Owwwww, alright, fine. We can go.”

Heading home, they dropped me off first since it was on the way, after getting ice cream and french fries from McDonalds, of course. 

“Kay, bye guys, thanks for the ride. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, love youuuuuu,” they replied at the same time stretching out the u.

“Love y’all too, night,” I said walking backwards towards the front door.

As I pulled out my keys, I could see them waiting for me to get inside, so I sped up a little bit, not wanting to be the reason they got home even later. Before I could even insert my keys into the lock, the door swung open. He gave what, from a distance, would appear a warm smile and wave, but in reality, his eyes were black again and I could he was infuriated. 

They smiled and waved back, pulling away afterwards. Once they were out of sight, the fake smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a blank look.

“Where have you been? Do you have any idea how late it is?” he said emotionlessly. 

“I was at the movies. You already know all this, you told me you were fine with it,” I said, confused as to why he was mad at me for doing something I’m aloud to and he told me I could do.

“Don’t talk back to me,” he said as he closed the door locking all three locks and turning on the alarm. 

I gulped and started backing away slowly. We never lock the door completely.

“Stop,” he said and I immediately froze.

He began to walk towards me and I immediately forgot what he had said only a few seconds ago, starting to walk backwards again. I flinched when my back hit the wall.

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