Chapter Eight

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    Today’s the day. Today is the day we graduate high school, the day he is supposedly coming for me, and the day I put my plan into action. Currently, Blair and I are getting ready. Our Moms made us promise to wear dresses, so we’re both wearing skater dresses with sneakers and a jacket. Mine is SouthSide Serpents and hers is her favourite black leather jacket. My dress is galaxy and hers is the night sky with the phases of the moon at the bottom. Mom wanted us to wear heels, but she is lucky we even put on dresses.

    We drove to school and waited in the auditorium for the ceremony to start and for our names to be called. Someone, who I’m guessing must be an aunt because she hadn’t heard of all the rumors about us, had asked us if we were happy to be adults. When we said we were only fifteen, her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

    The ceremony is over, and we’re on our way home. We already have our bags packed and a big stash of snacks so we’re all set to go. It’s almost funny how exited our parents are that we are going camping; I wonder what they would do if they knew the truth. They told us to take the truck, so we’re loading everything into the bed. Funny thing is, we do have camping gear with us, and they will be using it. So in a way, I guess they are going camping; just not in the woods. I, however, am going to become a hobo. I need to stay off grid, so that means I can’t rent rooms to sleep in. If I do, I can NOT use my real name. Honestly, if it were legal, I would just fake my own death. That would be much easier, but it is not a possibility. 

    Once we arrive at the motel, we get out of the truck, unload our equipment and set everything up. When we’re done, and I’m convinced that they’ll be okay, I get myself ready to go. I wanted to go alone, but Dallas insisted on coming with me.

    “You’re not doing this alone,” he argued, “I just need to make sure you get on the train okay. I need to make sure you’re as safe as possible.”

    He sounded so sad I just couldn’t say no. I never did quite master the art of denying my twin brother what he wanted. I hug Blade and Blair goodbye and grab my bag. Then me and Dallas head out to where the trains pass by near the motel. We walk in silence, not wanting to acknowledge what I’m about to do; what I have to do. It’s scary, but it’s for my family, and their safety. As we got closer, the sound of the trains got louder and louder, until they were in sight and the noise was so loud I could no longer hear my heart thudding around  in my chest.

    There is no train station here, so I’m going to have to hop on the train like a Dauntless from Divergent. I just hope I’ll be able to make it up into the train without falling onto my butt on the ground. That, would hurt. 

Dallas grabs my hand just as I begin to work  up the courage to leave everything behind; even though it’s not for very long, I’m going to miss everyone. I’m fifteen, and the longest I’ve ever been away from my family is when he practically held me captive. Right now, it was quiet as all the trains that were here had passed, but I knew the next fleet would be coming shortly. I needed to be ready.

“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” Dallas said softly. “We can go to the police, we can have him arrested.”

“No, we can’t. If we go to the police,” I said, my voice cracking a little, “he’ll come after all of you, everyone I care about. He’ll come after you, Brook, Blade, Blair, Mom, Dad, Sadie, Wyatt; maybe even Gunner and Archer. Maybe you’re not, but I’m scared. He told me I have no idea what he is capable of, and I believe him. I don’t even really know who he is, I guess I never did, but that means that he could hurt you and disappear; taking me with him. I have to do something; I can’t just let him get away with this.” 

I could hear the roar of the trains as more approached. That’s when the reality of the situation really hit me. My breathing got a little heavier and my eyes became watery. I tightened the straps of my backpack and turned my whole body towards Dallas. He opened his arms and I immediately jumped into them, holding on tight.

“I love you, Dallas. I’ll see you soon,” I said and reluctantly let go of him.

(834 words)

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