Chapter Five

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Phoenix’s P.O.V.

I’m shook out of my reverie by a knock on my bedroom door.

“Hey Phoe, you ready to go?” Dallas said, his voice slightly muffled by the closed door and my thoughts.

“Yeah, just give me a sec to grab my phone,” I replied after clearing my throat of any trace of morning voice.

“Kay, I’m gonna go grab us a bagel, and I’ll meet you by the door,” I could hear his receding footsteps follow shortly after his reply.

I quickly slung my backpack over my shoulder, and grabbed my phone off the charger by my bed and my knife. After everything that’s happened, I never leave my house without it. I doubt I’d have the guts to use it against an actual person, but having it on me was just an added layer of security; along with my friends never leaving me on my own. Some people may find it annoying, but I am extremely grateful for them. Besides, it’s not like I hurt anybody the last time I used it. It just aided my escape, and probably saved my life.

I exit my room and go to the kitchen.

“Hey Dal, make sure you-”

“-put a buttload extra amount of cream cheese on your bagel,” Blade, Blair and Dallas cut me off; all three finishing my sentence for me at the same time.

“We’ve lived together all our lives, Phoe. I know how you like your bagels,” Dallas said laughing a little.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

Blade pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.

“Hey, guys, hate to interrupt this twin bonding moment, but if we want to be on time for the first day of our last year, then we need to head out.”

I scoffed, “Yeah right, as if we could bond any further. We practically share a soul,” I said as we all grabbed our things and headed out the front door. 

“Bye Mom, bye Dad. We’re leaving now,” the four of us said at the same time. We all live together in a duplex, so they were probably on their side, getting ready for work, but I’m sure they heard us.

“You’re driving,” Dallas said as he tossed me the keys.

“Thanks,” I said with a small smile. 

We got in the car, Blair next to me, corresponding siblings behind us, and I drove off in the direction of North Mammon High. As I drove, my mind wandered. That day, the day they saved my life, it was the last day I saw or even heard from him. We had gotten home and I told them everything; from him beginning to act more possessive and controlling, strangling me and me lying to them about it, which I apologised for, to him beating me up and calling it ‘punishment’, and me calling them to come get me and take me home. My real home.

I downright refused to go to the doctor, and after about an hour of trying to convince me, they gave up and Blair patched me up. We took first aid/emergency service basics in like fifth grade so she could handle it. They wanted  me to tell Mom and Dad, tell the police, and try to have him arrested but I said no. To all of it. It took almost a month and a half for all visibly noticeable injuries to heal. In that time, I did not leave my room if my parents were home. Dallas, Blade or Blair would sneak me up some food when I was hungry or needed to eat. I didn’t want them to know. They would blame themselves; I couldn’t let that happen. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. When I finally left my room, they burst into tears of joy when they saw me. They hadn’t for months. The real challenge was convincing Brooklyn not to tell Mom and Dad I was home. Even on accident. When she kept asking why, as most 5 year olds do, I told her I wanted to surprise them. Her adorable little face lit up and she promised on her favourite stuffy not to let them find out. When I did leave my room, and my parents saw me, Brook yelled “SURPRISE!!!’ with the biggest smile on her face; it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

I was still hesitant about going anywhere he could be or could find me, but I was never alone. My best friends made sure of that. All throughout summer break, he did not make any effort to get to or contact me. After a while, I thought maybe he had given up, but I was still cautious. Now, as bad as it sucks, it was time to go back to school. Since we were all in AP or elective classes, we had the exact same schedule. The only actual class we really had to take was ELA, but it’s easy.

I’m pulled out of my thought by the sound of Blade and Dallas laughing. I look over at Blair and see that she fell asleep. I smile a little, glad they didn’t let my life get in the way of them living theirs and being happy.

(880 words)

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