Chapter Seven

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Today is Sunday. Graduation day is this Friday. Including today, there are only six days until graduation. In my head, I started to calculate the number of hours, minutes and seconds until graduation. A loud ping came from my phone, echoing in my head and distracting me from my bored-thought inspired insanity.


Message: ‘Tick-tock. Six days left, better start packing. See you soon. ;)’

‘Boi, leave me alone you sadistic psycho! Do me a favor and lose my number while you’re at it. I’ll see you at your funeral. Bai Felicia.’ was my reply.

I created a contact named Sadistic Psycho and added the three numbers he has ever used to contact me to it. After that, I blocked the contact.

“Guys,” I yelled, “do you want to get pizza?!?”

There wasn’t even a response, just a crazed Blair barging into my room with a huge grin on her face.

“Did someone say pizza,” she said like the amazing lunatic she is.

“Yes, yes I did. We all need to talk, and I’m hungry, so let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,” I said while pushing her out of my room.

Blade and Dallas were already by the door, keys in hand and laughing at our behavior.


We ended up at a Domino’s eat-in restaurant because their pizza is the best in town.

    “He texted me,” I said, wiping my hands on my pants after eating six pieces of pizza.

    Dallas slammed his cup down on the table.

“Phoe, we gotta tell somebody! We can’t just let him get away with this.”

“He won’t,” I said with a devious smirk on my face, “I have a plan.”

    I started telling them about the plan I came up with last night before going to bed and polished up this morning.

    Obviously, he’s keeping tabs on me. I don’t know how, yet, but I plan on finding out.

    Anyway, the plan is right after the graduation ceremony, to train hop from Montana to Arizona. From there, I’d hop on a plane to Hawaii. From Hawaii, I’d fly to Brazil. From Brazil, fly to Japan, and from Japan to London. Then to Canada, and from Canada, New York. From New York, I’d taxi, Uber, Lyft, train and hitch hike back home. My hope is that somewhere between Hawaii and Canada, he’ll lose track of me. The areas between those places are full of dead zones. With any luck, he’ll get himself detained and never be able to get to me or threaten my family. Ever again.

    If he does get arrested, he’ll most likely get transferred back to the U.S., which is where I will finally go to the police and tell them everything. Back when Blair patched me up, we took photos and documented every scratch, scrape and injury I’d received. Her Grandfather’s best friend's grandson, Knox, owns a vet clinic and, understanding the situation, allowed us to use his medical supplies and one of his machines, so we even have X-rays.  I also wrote a very detailed letter that explained EVERYTHING, all of the abusive behavior, from the beginning to today’s text messages. I update it every time there is something to add, even if it does not seem important. Just in case, just in case he somehow does get to me. Then Dallas, Blade and Blair are to take everything to the police, so either way he’ll end up locked up. One way or another.

 Him getting away with all he’s done? Nah, over my dead body. He won’t. I’ll make sure of it. Nobody threatens my family and gets away with it.

    As a cover for my ‘trip’, we’re going to tell our parents that we are going camping, but in reality, Dallas, Blade and Blair will be waiting for me in an abandoned motel on Lucas street. When I get there, we will head home like none of it ever happened, and tell our parents everything. We’ll probably be grounded for the rest of our lives, but my family will be safe, we’ll be together and he will never be able to hurt anyone, ever again.

    Now, this may all sound very expensive, but I have all that figured out too. You see, our parents want us to see the world, so they bought us the type of passport that allows you to take as many flights as you’d like, all for the price of a reasonable yearly fee. I have money saved up to use for food and the vehicular transportation parts of my plan, too. If all goes well, I should be home in under three weeks. 

Our parents are big nature freaks so they won’t be curious or concerned about us camping for so long, just happy we’re showing interest in something that is healthy, fun and they love to do.

    This all may also sound very extra, but I truly believe that it is necessary. I need to do whatever it takes to protect my family and get him away from them. Even doing all of this, I feel like somehow he’d still find me, and that scares me because if he has me, I don’t know what will happen to the people I care about.

(878 words)

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