Chapter Four

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I couldn't go out the front door, I knew that. He probably changed the codes, and even if he didn't, the voice that said, "door unarmed" would certainly alert him to my escape and cut my time drastically so, I opted for the only open outlet of freedom, the window. I never closed it. I liked sleeping with it open. I locked the bedroom door and made my way towards it, pulling myself out of it and dropping to the ground outside once I reached it. I grimaced when the impact of hitting the ground sent a wave of pain throughout my body, magnifying when it reached my ribs. I shifted onto my knees and then into a kneeling position, pushing off my raised knee, forcing myself to stand again.

Once standing, I took off running down the block, as fast as I could in my current condition anyway. I didn't stop until I reached the park, no matter how much my ribs begged me to take a breather. I guess being on the track team since the sixth grade finally paid off. I mentally thanked Blair for making us all join together.

I climbed the ladder to the castle part of the playground and hid, my head on a swivel, dreading but anticipating being found, I hoped Dallas got here first. Barely a minute later, Dallas's car turned onto the street and rolled to a stop. He jumped out looking around for me, and I hopped over the railing, dropping to the ground from the playground platform I was on which was about a story high like some sort of ninja. I groaned when my summersault landing caused my ribs to compact painfully.

Hearing this, Dallas rushed to my side.

"Phoe, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need to see a doc-,"

"Dallas, please. Just take me home," I interrupted, motioning like a two year old for him to carry me. He laughed a little, a small smile making its way onto his face as he complied to my demands. I had my hood on and hair down shielding my face so he had not yet noticed my current state, but when held me against him, he somehow immediately noticed that something was wrong. He gently moved my head away from its current position, between his neck and shoulder, and tugged down my hood, tucking my hair behind my ears. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated in anger as he saw my bruised and swollen face.


Blade and Blair both got out of the car and and when they noticed my appearance, their eyes also widened in absolute horror and rage. I heard what what sounded like the crack of someone stepping on a stick and went rigid. I don't know how, but I somehow felt his presence. He was coming.

"Guys," I started, "we need to go. Now." I said as calmly as I could.

"WHAT," Blade started, clearly enraged, "YOU WERE ATTACKED! WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!"

"Guys, please. I promise to explain everything later, but we have to go. Right now."

Seeing how frantic I was, they agreed and we all went to the car and got in. Dallas drove, Blade was in the passenger seat. Me and Blair were in the back, with me on the passenger side. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. The cold that seeped through eased my headache a bit. Ever since I was a kid, watching the world pass by on a drive relaxed me, so I opened my eyes to do just that. Honestly, I wish I hadn't, though. There he was, standing in the shadows. It was as if time slowed to a crawl, and as we drove past him, I swear I saw him mouth the words, 'this isn't over'.

(665 words)

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