The End ¯\(°_o)/¯

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If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek help. The people you have been forced away from still care about you, go to them. There are people that can help you, people that truly care. No matter what you've been told, you don't deserve to be abused. You deserve to be loved, really loved, not subjected to what your partner think qualifies as love when it's in fact the vet opposite.

If you know someone who is in abusive relationship, let them know that you're there for them. Don't let them push you away, make sure they know they have a safe space with you.

If you even suspect that someone may be involved with an abusive partner, gently try and point out what you've noticed. Often times the person will be too blinded by love to realize the behavior is wrong until it's too late.

There are many different kinds of abuse, just because your bruises aren't visible doesn't mean you're left unscathed.

Be safe out there my lovelies.

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