Chapter 1: A Paw-sitively Crazy Beginning

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Note: if you didn't read the introductory chapter first, i would suggest you do since it has some important stuff like character designs and things you should really know before reading this, because trust me: you're REALLY gonna need it since this story might not be very pleasant to read without them, thank you!

Konnichiwaaaa!!! My name is kranchabella utah gomibako fried rice chair yo mama B-emoji razorblade, but most people just call me kranch! Quite the kawaii nickname, huh? I wonder why people call me that hehe. Anywhoozie woozie, i'm what's known as a void creature, a being that gets sent to different fandom-universe-thingies by my mom and dad, the void gods to fulfill different.....porpoises? Purpurs? Puppis? Pompous? Whatever it's called; my purple is to annoy others which makes me very very sad, i don't WANT to be annoying but i guess i can't change it...*puppy-dog eyes* YOU DON'T THINK I'M ANNOYING, DO YOU?!?!?

Oh dear, i'm getting ahead of myself, aren't i? Hehe...such an anime girl thing to do, desu! Let's just get to the point, hehe. I had just gotten back from fulfilling my perhaps in the anime-cademy universe so i decided to go take a nap, my species has no need for sleep but i just like doing it pecans it fits the lice-stifle of an anime schoolgirl; if you couldn't tell: i am an otaku, which is another word for anime freak.....what? I'm an in-mortar being, i minus well have some fun! Anyways, there i was...just schleepin' until i feel something poke my forehead! I slowly open my eye to see one of my pet furbies, bertram on top of me pecking me in the forehead with his beak. "Nani the hay, bert-kun? What'd you wake me up for desu?" I ask angerly yet sleepily as i wipe spit from my mouth with my sweater sleeve and then move my bangs out of the way to wipe spit from my second mouth which was where a human's right eye would be, "well good morning to you too, missy-poo" bertram grumbles all sarcastic-like. "Yeah didn't answer my quenchion though" i say, rubbing the sleep from my eye. "Basically, your parents want to talk with you" lizzie, my other pet furby says (her full name is lacertilia lézarde von ténèbres but that's way too long so we just call her lizzie or liz for short) "oh! Oh kamisama! Am i in treble or something?" I shout, now wide awake and anxious. Immediantly getting out of bed. "Woah woah woah, calm down there! You're not in trouble or anything, they're just assigning you a new universe! Seriously you've been assigned universes HOW many times? You should be used to this by now" liz said. I let out a sigh of relief and i clamly change my alphet, of course it's just an exact copy of the same thing i always wear but it looks super kawaii so it's whatever (^w^) it's my favorite pink sweatshirt with a pink and blue pleated skirt, striped socks and mismatched shoes!

I REALLY hope i'm not just gonna be there to be a murder victim this time, sure it was for story purposes so i wasn't actually dead but i got standards and junk >:(

I walk down the stairs (well, as far as you can go with stairs when you live in what is pretty much a whole lot of nothingness) and head to the throneroom, "oh! 'Ello luv! You're looking beautiful as always!" My dad, lord glitterworks greets me, "did you sleep well, dearest?" my mom, lady breakneck adds. I giggle a little from dad's compliment, "yes mom! And thanks! So.....which universe am i going to now? Wait! Don't tell me! I'm going to....boku no hero academia?" I guess excitedly. mom pauses and giggles, "ohohoho! No, dear..." she says; of course i was dissapointed but there's still some other animes i could be going to

"Sword art online?"



"Hehe, you've already been to that universe, darling"

"Nyan neko sugar girls?"

", dear"



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