Chapter 6: Death wish! (END + epilouge)

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Hey y'all! This is the final chapter, wooooooo!!!! I'm both excited and sad at the same time! Excited because i actually have "finish TLLOKR" on my to-do list and if i'm being honest, i'm kinda burnt out from writing....i'm also sad because i had a lot of fun writing and i'm sad it's already done! Nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed! (Also yes, the picture up top IS a reference to this image)

Oh! And also, i'm well aware that the normal modes of AHIT and death wish mode are essentially in two different AUs so to avoid plot holes, let's just say that when a void creature (kranch's REAL species if you forgot) visits a universe that has m...

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Oh! And also, i'm well aware that the normal modes of AHIT and death wish mode are essentially in two different AUs so to avoid plot holes, let's just say that when a void creature (kranch's REAL species if you forgot) visits a universe that has more than one ending/route (like undertale for example), they have to start over with that universe for all of the routes or endings, starting at where the changes start. So kranch DID STILL meet tabitha and the rest of the gang, she just went through different things offscreen!Considering the fact that there's no other routes for AHIT outside of DW, i'm just gonna say that she only went through the co-op mode "route" since i wrote down in her character sheet on arts and OCs amino that she knows who bow kid is so i just wanted to clarify that that is STILL canon....i just didn't think to write bowie in! So yeah...enjoy this final chapter!

Y'know...if i had to pick my least favorite part of being a void creature, it'd be the fact that i have to start all over for every jeezy peezy, how many ARE there for this universe? Oh least that means that i can be with snatcher-kun longer hehe! So yeah.....there i was, back at snatcher-kun's house....surprisingly enough he was actually a little less tsundere-like and i was blushing the entire time! Heck, the way he calls me a "weirdo" sounded a lot more confection ant! Haha....looks like i'm proving bertram and lizzie wrong!

"Oh! By the way....i was wondering if you could help me with something...?" Snatcher-kun asks, i blush even deeper and my eyes widen REAL big! "Off corpse, senpai! What do you need help with? Tell me, tell me!" I say excitedly; he puts one of his......claws? Hands? Whatever they were, to his chin. "Well....i gave some kid a bunch of different challenges and i'm trying to make it as hard as possible for her so i was wondering if there was a way you could-" he explained before i interrupted him, "YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!" I scream! If i had a heart, it'd be beating super duper fast....but alas, i am but a ghost. "Heh heh....slow down there! We haven't even discussed the plans yet!" Snatcher-senpai replied, holding his hands up to empathise what he was saying; i nod and we discuss the plans...not gonna lie, when he said "challenges" i thought he meant some kind of fun games...but it turns out he meant he's trying to kill someone! AND by the sounds of it, he's trying to kill hat-chan! I felt so converted at that moment....on one hand, hat-chan is the sweetest little thing! If i were to kill her, it'd be like killing my little sister! But on the other....i love snatcher-senpai just as much as i love anime and i'll do anything for him...."errrr....okay, it's a deal! See you tomarrow, then!"

Soon i arrive back home, "GUYYYYYSSSSSS!!!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENNNNNEDDDD!!!!" I announce as i open the door, one of snatcher's minions running out as i do so. "KRANCHHHHH!!!!! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A DEMON RITUAL AND YOU MADE MY SACRIFICE ESCAPE!!!!" Lizzie yells, she was wearing a cute little black cloak and had drawn a red pant-of-grain on the floor; a VERY sharp looking knife wrapped in one of her wings. "Hehe....gomennesai nya! But uhh...don't you think you SHOULDN'T do your creepy rituals desu? Or at the very least, NOT sacrifice living AND dead things to your demon friends? Surely they aren't THAT picky, are they?" I reply, lizzie sighs dramatically and points the knife to my face; "no! Anything other than that ISN'T a good enough sacrifice for them! And god, who KNOWS what will happen if i give them something they don't like?" She answers, moving the knife around like she was fancily swirling wine around in a glass. "Hmmph! Looks like you need better friends! That doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship to me!" I scoff while holding my arms, if i had feet i'd be stomping them at that moment! Lizzie audibly gasps and points the knife back at me, "well you're one to talk! Just look at that stupid gho-"

The Ludicrous Life Of Kranch Razorblade: An AHIT FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now