Chapter 5: Surprise Sidequest

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Hey everyone! This is the second-to-last chapter.....y'know i'm gonna miss writing this a lot, but on the bright side: i have something REALLY special coming up after this story is done and i'm pretty excited to share! Back on-topic, this chapter as well as the one after it are gonna feature different POVs of different characters! Yayyyy woooo!

Also, i have something important to note: this next one is kind of a "songfic" sort of thing, basically what i mean by that is that it includes song lyrics, more specifically for the song "bad enough for you" by all time low. Don't worry though: it's not gonna be a whole block of text, i'm gonna break the lyrics up into parts as the story progresses and it's only gonna be for one scene soooo.....yeah, here's the song if you wanna listen to it while reading


Snatcher's POV

A day had passed after that god-forsaken blue freak had come over to show me those strange books, and let me tell you: it has been the most peaceful day i have had since it arrived to my forest. The way it speaks is the most abhorrent part to me....that sickeningly high-pitched voice, the nonsense words it sprinkles into it's speech (what even IS a "senpai?" Or a "desu" for that matter?)'s little feathered friends were nice enough, more respectful at least. Now i am well aware that it likes me, it's blatently obvious! But to be honest, i haven't been able to feel love since the errr.......incident. i've been trying to tell it that but i'm always interrupted with that OBNOXIOUS drabble! "Hurr durr nya nya senpai sugoi uwu" AGGGHHHH......just THINKING about it brings me pure unbridled rage!

Oh dear....i'm ranting, aren't i? My apologies. Anyways, i was speaking with my latest client about our business endeavours; as i was getting out the last two contracts, i noticed a strange scroll covered in multicolored ink. "Huh.....that's strange, i don't remember making THIS one...." i say, i examine the paper close and immediantly notice the bits of multicolored ink were actually crude childlike drawings, either that or ancient hieroglyphics! I read the lettering on the other side of the paper under my breath and i could hear a small giggle coming from the kid i was speaking with, i'm assuming because she saw the drawings. "Oh.....kranch......" i mutter, saying that cursed name like how someone would say "tapeworm" or something; i show the kid the note in disgust, "here, consider this a bonus contract, just.....go visit that....THING and see what the hell it wants....." i grumble, rolling my eyes. She takes the "contract" out of my hand and she begins to chortle while covering her mouth, "it's not funny, kid.....i've had to deal with this creature's garbage for the past 5 days and it's honestly taking a toll on my mental stability if i even had any left to begin with" i explain; she immediantly gains back her composure and shakily reaches out her hand, a look of both embarrassment and anxiety on her face. I hand her a quill, she signs the "contract" and immediantly gets on her scooter and makes her way over there

Kranch's POV

I sat on my bed, laptop in my lap and some anime playing on it....the wifi connection was never very good in subcon so it kept buffering, agh....i should have brought a router or something with me....oh well, my phone has a hotspot so i should be good.......wait, if there's no electricity out here than how am i able to charge my devices?, i don't wanna think about it for too long, makes my poor lil ghost brain hurt! Anyways i was getting pretty bored....okay a LOT bored....but after a while i get an idea! I close up my laptop and look to my furbies. "Nyaaaaaaaa!!!! Hey you two....are you thinking what i'm thinking desu?" I ask with a HUGEY big grin on my face. Bertram sighs and looks to me, "if it's anything related to snatcher then no, not at all" he breathes; i chuckle a bit, "hehehe! No you silly-willy-billy! What i meant iiiiiiiiissss......" i pause all dramatically

The Ludicrous Life Of Kranch Razorblade: An AHIT FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now