Chapter 2: Pancakes With The Parliament

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Hello again everyone! Welcome back, so yeah! Kranch and the express owls go to dennys in this chapter, also in case you're confused about the title: i chose it because a group of owls is called a "parliament." It's true, look it up :D

Also btw i don't actually EAT at dennys, my family is more ihop people than dennys people; i just chose dennys because i think it's funny so sorry if i get menu items wrong or something, ain't my fault :/

(And yes: that IS, in fact, a body pillow of the conductor as an anime girl on the table in the drawing above)

So like i said, i dun bumped in2 sum peeplez! Well....tripped over one of them since they were a few feet shorter than me hehe (^_^). I feel to the ground all dramatic and kneeled down, "O-OH!! GOMENNASAI DESU, I'M SUCH A KLUTZ NYAAAAaaaaa....." i yell while doing the finger-tappy-together thing like this 👉👈

I look to see that these peopel i bumped into are......owls? Hooters? Eagles of the night? Fukurōs? Whatever word for "owl" you prefer; "oh dear! Are you alright?" One owl says, helping me up. I stand up straight and brush offo dirt and stuff, "hehe, yeah desu! Arigato UwU nyaaaa!" I say as i do some kawaii peace-signs :3 the owls all gasped in uni sun and started wellspring to each other! Despite having hearing as good as a wolf's due to my witten (wolf and kitten hybrid) ears, i couldn't really tell what they were saying! All i could truly make out was "they're one of us"

I do the :3c face in curiousity as i await their responch, "well that's a relief! Say, you wouldn't happen to be a fan of anime, would you?" One says, i GASPU!!! Finally someone gets me! "I AM, ACTUALLY!!" I say before lizzie whispers something in my ear; "these fellas be normies, let's just get outta here" she says. I nonchalantly push lizzie away while still making eye-content with the owls, a big ol' smile on my kawaii face :3 "we thought so! My name's larry, that over there is gary, that's jerry and that's barry!" One says, pointing to each respective owl. "We are apart of an anime fanclub and we were wondering if you would like to join" barry adds, i think for a monument before accepting the offer and then introducing myself as well as my furbies before bertie nudges me "are you kidding me right now? For all we know that so-called anime fanclub could be a cult!" He whisper-shouts; i chuckle, "aww, don't be silly! They seem harmless enough!" I whisper back. "God, can you guys be any more stupid? Even if it WAS a cult, we'd still be fulfilling our purpose!" Lizzie chimes in, also whispering; "well that was rude of you to say, liz.....what would they even worship anyHOOT?" I whisper back, snickering at my hillary-us pun! "I dunno but i'm TALON you, something ain't right..." bertram says all squinty-eyed before realizing that he too, made a pun and started hiding his face with his tail while blushing; how super duper kawaii desu!

"Ummm....we can hear you guys, you know. I promise you we aren't a cult, just some 20-something year old otakus!" Gary says, i blush a glowing pink (literally) in embarrassed mint. "Oh...oops, sorry! They get a bit anxious when we meet new people hehe..." i say nervously; "what was it you were talking about with fulfilling a purpo-" jerry asks before i interrupt him, "UHHH UH-...DO WE HAVE TO MEET UP SOMEWHERE FOR THE FANCLUB!?!?" I ask. "Well...we're actually going to a meeting right now and our usual meetup spot is the local dennys in this area" jerry says, i start sweating ballets! "Oh kamisama! I had no idea desu! Watashi must have been waist thing yOwOur time, let's get over there quick nyaaa!!!" I say in a very very high-pitched animu voice!

And so, after running as fast as we could, we finally got to that strange "dennys" area they were talking about desu. I won't lie, it wasn't AT ALL what i was expecting O^O. We all went inside and waited at a table until some goth waitress cat lady showed up. "Oh hey, welcome back you guys! I see one of you brought your wife and kids?" She says, i giggle as i watch the boys' faces turn shiregan eye red! "We're not related in any way, they're just new members of the fanclub" barry explains reluctantly. The lady giggled too, "oh...i see!" She said, we all take our orders and after a mom mint, it's my turn! "And for you?" The waitress says; i start to quitely panik as i've never been to a dennys before, desu >.<! I loook around the place and i say the first thing that cums 2 mind: "uhh.....I WOULD LOVE SOME FREE PANCAKES" i say in a sing-song voice to ovoid lookin' all dandere and accord xP. "Heh....anything to drink?" The waitress replies, i hesitate for a moment and just mutter " pancake?" In the same sing-song voice. "Ooookay, and for these little cuties?" The waitress says as she kneels down and pinches lizzie's cheek

The Ludicrous Life Of Kranch Razorblade: An AHIT FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now