Chapter 4: A Moron's Attempt At Love

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Hey y'all, i'm back again! Sorry the cover art for this one isn't as good as the others, it was really late at night when i drew it, the AHIT wiki didn't have any good ref pics for the inside of snatcher's home and also i have no idea how to draw books soooo.....yeah, on the bright side: snatcher looks really cute in my art style so i got that goin' for me :)

Tbh this chapter is moreso just filler than anything, next chapter is gonna be a bit more interesting or sumn? Idk but next chapter is gonna introduce hat kid (for real this time) and the one after that is the final chapter sooo yeah, also i just want to clarify that when i write stuff like "i blush a glowing pink" what i mean is that kranch's blush glows in the dark (like her blood is glowstick fluid or something) so yeah. Enjoy!

I laid there in the middle of my house floor and staired at the ceiling, it's been a day since i first came to subcon. " i'm board desu..." i compliance cutely; bertram looks up from the book he was reading, "you could always read your mangas or something" he suggests, pronouncing "manga" as "may-n-ga". I grumble and turn my head to the lower bunk bed he was sitting on, "but i already did that yesterday! Plus that's not even how you SAY it!" I wine; lizzie perks up and sits up from the top bunk. " could sacrifice squirrels to the dark lord LMAO!!!" She says, bertram immediantly shooting the idea down; "hhnnngggh.....lizzie-chan, can you turd off your emo music onegai? I can't eleven hear my own thoughts desu!" I ask. Liz rolls her eyes and does what i asked, "well now you know how *I* feel when you blare your stupid weeb trash" she snarks; upon hearing this i sit up a little with my elbows being the only thing supportin ma bodeh :P i try to say something but my tears get in the way and the only thing i could say in response to this absolutely AWFUL insult is "you.....y- you-....mame to gohan no burito!" I lay back down in silence for a quick moment more, just so that the tears would go away, "agh.....what to do, what to do......ah! I know!" I say before looking to my trusty chainsaw, "we're in a spooky forest, right? How about we do some spooky stu-" I suggest eagerly but before i could finish my sentence, lizzie immediantly yelled out "YES!!!!!" I giggle, i pick up my chainsaw and i was out on the town! Except there was one issue....

I don't wanna hurt nobody....

I mean....SURE we were out doing whatever emo people do but....i don't want to kill anyone, that's just mean! So before we TRULY went out, i grabbed some fruit to cut up instead. "Wrrrr wrrrrr WRRRRRRR!!!! Hehe, who knew being scary could be so much fun, nya!" I exclaim before seeing my face glow pink as i had just realized that by doing this, i could get the attention of snatcher-kun!

"What are you doing?"

I look around to see that....*gasp* SNATCHER-SENPAI WAS THERE!!! I try to move my bangs out of my face but they only fell back to where they once were, i try and put on the most yandere explosion i can mustard, "so senpai, can't you see? She was getting in the way so i had to eliminate her!" I say, i try and sound as scary as i can but my super DESU voice got in the way. I giggle as i watch him shudder cutely but quickly shift to a more serious expression upon noticing the "corpse" stuck to my chainsaw, "...that's just a pineapple you dressed in doll clothes....also i told you not to call me senpai" he says; i look to my chainsaw as well, " it is, nya! Hehe...what'dya know?" I say with a huge smile on my face. Snatcher-kun's expression turns all tired and frustrated, hnnnngghh....he's so FWEAKING HOTTO UWU; "i don't even LIKE pineapples....or anything like that for that matter, sooo....i guess you don't have to worry about THAT i guess, also i'd like it if you didn't do stuff like this again, it uhhh.....kinda brings back some bad memories" he explained, looking away nervously when mentioning the bad memory sugoi and kawaii desu ne! "Oh...sorry! Though....i kinda don't think it's true that you hate EVERYTHING, do you?" I say as i put my chainsaw down. Snatcher-kun sighs, "THANK you....also no, there ARE some things i enjoy, i'm just saying i-"

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