Chapter 7: What is a video game?

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[E/FTO] Ritchie's POV:

I was walking down & heard Colin say something. So, I entered the room curious.

[Z] Colin: And I win again!!

[Z] Seekaah: Aw man!!

[ E/FTO] Ryan(Ritchie): What's going on?

[Z] Colin's POV:

I turned around to see Ryan walking into the room.

[Z] Colin: We are playing a video game.

[E/FTO] Ryan(Ritchie): A what?

I looked at Seekaah & back at him, surprised that he didn't know what a video game was.

[Z] Colin: The best way to tell you what it is for you to join!!

He looked confused but sat down by us. This was going to be fun!!

-few hours later-

[Z] Austin's POV:

I heard laughter coming from Colin's room so I walked in to see Ryan beating Colin in Mario Kart.

[Z] Colin: H-How?!

[E/FTO] Ryan(Ritchie): Was I not supposed to do that?!

I laughed a bit at Ryan when he said that.

[Z] Austin: No, you're fine. So, Colin finally met your match?! *smirks*

Ryan looked so confused but Colin looked like he was about to laugh.

[Z] Seekaah: laughs You did a nice job for a first timer!

Ryan then smiled a bit as well and all laughed at Colin when he was still confused on how he lost the game. So, I decided to stay for a bit & watch them play.

[E/FTO] Ryan(Ritchie)'s POV:

We were having fun playing the game. Maybe things could actually be fun here.. Even if they don't have magic & are trying to survive. They Were like a family, something my group was not.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. I turned around & started to laugh at Colin rage quitting after Seekaah beat him & couldn't help but smile at the happiness of the place. I hope I get to stay here with them & maybe find someone.

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