Lie (Anxceit - Angst):

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Janus sipped on his glass of wine as Patton and Roman set up the karaoke machine. The sides had voted on what they wanted to do that night, and karaoke won out.
Remus had suggested Monopoly, buuuut-
"NO MONOPOLY!!!" Everyone else had screamed.
Janus was voted to go up first. He didn't fight it, just set down his wine and grabbed the mic.
He stared at Virgil out the corner of his eye. The emo was in Roman's lap, blushing, as Janus flicked through the songs, eventually stumbling upon the perfect one to describe how he felt. Virgil and Roman watched, expecting Janus would sing something olde timey, like a showtune or something.

The music started, Virgil immediately knowing what song it was...
"Why can't it
Be perfect
This love's not
Even real

Why don't I
Cry for you?
Love was dead
From the start

I don't want you
I don't need you
I'll forget you
It doesn't matter

I'll play along
Writing our song
We are perfect...
I love you~..."

No, this is all wrong
Why aren't you gone?
I know you're not
That strong

Don't listen to me
We'll always be
So perfectly

Janus turned his back on Virgil, who was trying to get his attention again. He never wanted to hurt Virgil, but Virgil wasn't making it easy on him. They wouldn't work out, he told himself. He swore up and down that he'd only end up hurting Virgil in the end...

The lies you
Succumb to

I don't know
How you can't
See through my

"I don't want you,
I don't need you!
I'll forget you,
It doesn't matter!"

I'll play along
Writing our song
We are perfect-
"I love you"

"No! This is all wrong
Why aren't you gone?!
I know you're not
That strong"

Don't listen to me
We'll always be
So perfectly

Virgil was gone, he'd left Janus behind. Janus had spared Virgil, but why didn't he feel okay? He felt miserable. He wanted to do horrible things to himself for chasing Virgil away like that. How could he?! Well, he was only protecting the emo! Virgil was better off with Logan, Patton, and Roman...

"And maybe
One day I'll
Get to see
Your smile

In the arms
Of someone
Who loves you
Like I do..."
Janus hadn't realized the tears trailing down from his right eye as he hiccupped, continuing to sing as he remembered seeing how happy Virgil and Roman were together all the time now.
"No, this is all wrong
Why aren't you gone?
I know you're not
That strong

Don't listen to me
We'll always be
So perfectly
Janus was shaking as he replaced the microphone in its holster before quickly reclaiming his glass of wine and sinking out to his room.

He still loved Virgil.
So much, that he knew it was better to let him go.

The End.

I figured the first angst of the book should be something more tame, but still heartwrenching. I love the song and it got my angst creativity working, so here ya go. Next chapter'll be fluffy, okie? See ya!

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