The Sides' Origins 3- Patton:

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It was 1979 in California, U.S.A. when 29-year-old Patton Hart lived with his boyfriend Derik (28) and their two children, Darren (12) and Ella (9).

Patton worked at his daughter's daycare and often helped out at the animal shelter, whereas Derik was a math teacher at Darren's school. They both had the weekends off and usually spent those weekends at the park with the kids. They had a decent house in a suburban neighborhood with friendly neighbors and pleasant scenery.
They lived a happy life, apart from the Catholic extremist down the road yelling at them and telling them to burn in Hell.

It was early in the morning on a Monday. Patton was driving alone to the animal shelter because of an emergency and the roads were mostly empty. He was driving across a bridge when suddenly-
A drunk driver drove head-on into Patton's car, causing the dad's head to slam against the steering wheel before being blasted back by the airbag...

Everything was pitch black. Patton couldn't move, but he could hear everything. Sirens, screaming, the drunk driver arguing with the cops, being put in the ambulance.
He then heard beeping, machinery- a pump keeping him breathing. He felt so cold, he was in so much pain, he wanted to scream, but he couldn't.
He heard his boyfriend and his kids every day, telling him they loved him, that they wished he could wake up soon. Every time they left, he wanted to beg them to stay, to make the pain stop, to stay with him. He didn't want to be alone.
One day, he heard a pair of heels clicking into the room.
"You didn't deserve to walk this Earth in the first place, you abomination," He recognized the voice as his crazy Catholic extremist neighbor, "I've told them I'm your sister, Patton. I'm going to send you to the Devil and you will be punished for your sins. I'm being merciful, you're probably suffering right now. Death will be a sweet release for you, if only for a moment before Lucifer takes you from behind like your boyfriend does."
The beeping stopped, the machinery quit working, and Patton stopped breathing. He was alive long enough to hear Derik burst in the room screaming, then silence.

He saw a bright light, he felt it pulling him into the warm, safe feelings surrounding him and into the Mindscape.

Patton Hart, Morality- Your host is Thomas Sanders...

Patton was scared, unfamiliar with his surroundings.
"W-Where am I?!" He cried, "What's going on here?!"
Suddenly, a tall, pale, lanky man with black hair, dull, brown eyes, and glasses walked over.
"Guten tag," He spoke with a German accent, "My name is Logan. Logan Brandt. You are?"
He extended his hand and Patton took it.
"U-Uh, I'm Patton Hart," He said, smiling even though he was nervous, "It's nice to meet you, Logan..."

To Be Continued...

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