The Sides' Origins 4- Virgil:

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Virgil Black was a 16-year-old schoolboy living in Durham in 1981. His family was rather well-off and his mother was kind, but his father didn't understand him and his older brother, Aaron, bullied him. It wasn't just because Virgil liked nail polish and eyeshadow, or because he enjoyed Disney movies, but it was also because he was bisexual. He had a girlfriend in Ruby, his childhood best friend. His brother read his diary out in the cafeteria at lunch one day, which lead to Virgil being relentlessly picked on.

It was the final straw when Ruby had to move away.
"What?!" Virgil cried in protest, his tears already leaving tracks through his eyeshadow and down his cheeks, "Why?! Can't you just not move?! Why are they making you move?!"
Ruby was in tears as well.
"Because they found out about the concert we went to a month ago..." She said, referring to the concert where the two had copulated for the first time, "And they're sending me to a Catholic school in another town to keep me away from you. I don't want to go, but my dad isn't pleasant when I disobey him..."
Virgil recalled seeing bruises and scratches tainting his girfriend's skin when they'd made love.
"You don't have to go," He pleaded, "Please, come live with me! I can protect you! Ruby, I can't lose you, and you don't have to put up with your dad!"
Ruby was sobbing into her hands at this point.
"Virgil, he'll hurt you!" She sobbed, "I can't lose you either, and that's why I have to go! I'm sorry, but if I try to stay, he will find you and he will kill you. I'm so sorry!"
She ran away, leaving Virgil with nothing but the memories and her journal...

Virgil felt completely alone in the world, as if nobody would care if he disappeared. The week following Ruby leaving was filled with more beatings than usual, sickening slurs spat at him from his own brother, and his mother's heartfelt attempts to cheer him up did nothing to stop the lonliness gnawing at him from deep inside. He had hidden Ruby's journal beneath his mattress, never opening it. It was trusted to him by her and the least he could do was to respect her privacy.
After a month, nothing staved off the emptiness inside of him. He was broken. His mother no longer tried to help, falling into a depression of her own. He hid behind a mask of emotionlessness to try and trick himself into thinking everything was fine, but it was cracking. He was cracking under the pressure and now had nobody to help him.
One day, he arrived home from school and realized he was home alone. Apparently, his mother had fallen ill and his dad had to take her to see a doctor, leaving a note on the fridge for Aaron:
I had to take your mum to the doctor. Make sure your Nancy-boy brother doesn't jump off the bloody roof.


Virgil crumpled the note into a ball just as Aaron walked in, chatting on his new cell phone with one of his friends.
"Yeah, he is a mistake, isn't he?" Aaron laughed, "I can't believe Dad hasn't sold the twink to a circus by now! Speak of the devil's sex toy! Talk to you later mate, yeh, tell Lydia I said hey. Yeh. See ya."
Aaron hung up and put his phone in his pocket.
"So, where's the new boyfriend?" He taunted, "I don't suppose he's a burly bloke with a mohawk an' tattoos named Tank? Or maybe someone just as much of a wuss as you?"
Virgil said nothing, just forcefully shoved the note into Aaron's hand and stormed upstairs.
"I can't believe Mum and Dad have put up with you for so long!" Aaron called up the stairs, "You're such a freak it's embarrassing! Why don't you just off yourself already so I won't have to call myself your brother?!"
Virgil slammed his door shut and locked it.
He felt a familiar wave of panic wash over him as the voices of his family filled his mind.
"Such a disgrace..."
"Do it already!"
"No one cares!"
"You have no one!"
"You don't deserve to live."
"Do it."
"Do it."
"Do it."
"DO IT!!!"
Virgil was curled into a ball by his bed, clutching Ruby's diary, praying to God for some semblance of strength, but recieved no answer but the chilling screams of "DO IT!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!" echoing in his head.
Finally, he'd had enough. The world was spinning too fast, he couldn't feel his hands or feet, his vision was blurry and dark, his head pounded with a migrane, he couldn't even hear his own gasping cries as he ripped his jacket off , yanked his long sleeves up his arms to show fresh cuts from just the day before that he'd neglected to clean and were possibly going to become infected.

Aaron stormed up the stairs and banged on the door.
Virgil's gasps were filled with pain as he ignored his brother. He couldn't even hear Aaron over his own heart pounding in his ears. At this point, Aaron decided he was going to go in and beat the shit out of Virgil for ignoring him, but quickly realised that the door was locked. He grabbed his pocket knife and used it to force the door open.
"ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP YO- HOLY SHIT!!!" Aaron screamed at the sight.
Virgil was gasping for breath on the floor, clawing at his arm, his hands bloodsoaked. His eyeshadow was in tear tracks down his face, his lower lip was bleeding from him biting it, and his hands were clenching and unclenching by themselves. Virgil had apparently yanked some of his own hair out, Aaron noticing Virgil's fingers tangled up with the red-stained strands.
"Virgil, what the f*ck?!" Aaron cried, "I didn't mean it, I-I don't really want you to kill yourself, stop!"
Aaron pried Virgil's hand away from his wrist, being met with heavy resistance.
"NO!!!" Virgil screamed, "NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! LET GO!!! LET GO!!! I WANNA DIE!!! I WANNA DIE!!! I WANNA DIE!!!"
Aaron felt a hard kick to his stomach and fell back and to his side, clutching his gut.
"FUCK YOU, AARON!!!" Virgil screamed as he clawed his way very painfully into an artery while his brother had no choice but to watch helplessly.
Eight seconds later, Virgil collapsed. He was pale, unmoving, he no longer gasped for breath. He didn't even breathe. He was dead.

uddenly, a warm light pulled him from the darkness, before he woke up in the Mindscape.

Virgil Black, Anxiety- Your host is Thomas Sanders...

Virgil opened his eyes slowly, groaning at his migraine.
"Do you need a hand?" Some royalty looking guy asked, extending his hand. Virgil took it and was lifted off of his back and into a standing position.
"W-Who are you?" Virgil asked.
The king let out a hearty laugh.
"Why, my name is King Romulus Olivera Garcia IV," He introduced himself, planting a tender kiss to the back of Virgil's hand, "And what, may I ask, would an angel as lovely as yourself be named, my sweet?"
Virgil's face was flushed to the point where his cheeks were nearly maroon in color.
"U-Uh, A-Anxiety..." He said, not feeling comfortable telling his name to someone he had only just met.
Suddenly, his eyes began to glow purple, Romulus' glowed red and green, and two crystals appeared before them. The crystals formed symbols, Virgil's being a purple storm cloud with a bolt of lightning striking, and Romulus' being a sword and shield. The two grabbed their symbols and somehow absorbed them as a portal opened at the large altar at the center of the plaza.
"Wow Logan! This means our host is being born, right?!" A voice rung out.
"Yes, Patton, why else would we get our logos right before the portal opened?" A German accent sighed in reply.
Romulus smiled at Virgil, grabbing his wrist.
"Come on, Anxiety!" He cried excitedly, "Let's go meet our host!"
The two took off toward the portal, jumping through at the same time as Patton Hart and Logan Brandt, the host's Morality and Logic respectively, and appeared in a large, blank, white area, having transformed into nearly identical children...

The End.

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