Valiant Hero (Angst):

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[Ship: None, but Patton is Virgil's adopted dad and Janus' biological dad.]

The mind palace was collapsing around them as they ran toward the emergency portals. Jasper, Thomas' Depression, had corrupted Roman, who transformed into a Manticore. The corrupted prince was destroying everything, Logan had managed to escape with Janus in tow and Remus eff'ed off before Roman even got corrupted.
One portal was damaged, another was shut off completely, and the final one led to Thomas' apartment.
"We have to destroy this one!" Virgil cried, "We can't let Jasper get to Thomas in the real world!"
Patton nodded and the two of them destroyed it, Virgil's shadows breaking the mirror from behind.
The final functioning portal would only be able to take the two of them to the other side if they went through at the same time. It appeared to be Thomas' bathroom mirror.
"Okay, ready?" Patton asked, "On three! One... Two- VIRGIL!!!"
Virgil was snatched by Jasper.
"You're not going anywhere, baby," Jasper cooed into Virgil's ear before being thrown at the wall.
Patton pushed Virgil halfway into the portal.
"But what about you?!" Virgil cried.
"Don't worry about me!" Patton replied, "I-I'll find another way!"
And with that, Patton showed Virgil the rest of the way through and the portal fizzled out, leaving behind only mirrors that Virgil and Patton could hear and see through.

Virgil only regained awareness of himself when he heard Patton's voice through the mirror.
"Virgil?! Are you there?"
"Always," Virgil answered.
Patton let out a sigh of relief.
"Man, that really roughed me up," The paternal figment strained, clutching Jasper's shattered logo as the cracks in his own logo spread steadily, the palace crumbling around him, "I got him though. We did it though, we beat him!"
Patton felt his eyes burn with tears as he tried to be strong for Virgil.
"It was a pretty good plan," He said, his voice cracking before his tears escaped and he sobbed out his final words to the mirror, "Could say it was the greatest-"
The mirror was smashed as Virgil banged on his side of the doorway, screaming Patton's name.
"DAD!!! DAD, NO!!!" Virgil's tear-filled screams were not unheard by Logan, Janus, and Remus, who ran to him.
"Virgil, what's wrong?!" Janus asked, "Where's Dad?!"


Virgil stood at the top of the hill that the mind palace was once perched upon with the new version of Patton, a version that wasn't the Dad he had known. He placed a bouquet of lilies on a spot of ground in front of a tombstone:
"Patton Sanders - Beloved Father, Husband, Morality, and Valiant Hero.


The End.

Sanders Sides Fluff/Angst [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now