The Sides' Origins 1- Romulus:

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It was the early 1400's when 19-year-old King Romulus ruled. He was a very fair and just leader, beloved by nearly all his subjects. Princesses who wished to marry him swooned at the sight of him and nobles of the male persuasion wished to be him. Yet there was something off about him. Every time a princess was sent to marry him, he rejected her. He just couldn't understand why he wasn't attracted to any of them. One day in the winter, he was called to a meeting with one of his kingdom's allies. He was riding through the snowy streets on his white mare, Majesty, when he locked eyes with a boy- common, hungry, dirty, but something about the boy's blue eyes intrigued Romulus. Ocean blue eyes, auburn hair, and fair skin, Romulus couldn't stop himself. He had to get closer, find out more about the boy. He stopped next to the boy.
"Pardon me, boy," He said, an air of regality and nobility about him, "I notice how cold you look. Tell me, what are you doing out in this dreadful weather wearing so little clothing?"
The boy shivered.
"U-Um... I-I-I 'ave no 'ome, s-sire..." The boy stuttered, terrified of saying the wrong thing.
"Then where is your family?" Romulus asked.
"I 'ave no family, s-sire..." The boy spoke dejectedly, "Th-They've all passed on. Eht's just me, now, sire..."
Romulus dismounted his horse, standing tall before the boy.
"What is your name, boy?" He asked softly, gently, as if one wrong word would break the poor boy.
"E-Ervin, s-sire..." The boy quivered, fearful of what the monarch had planned for him.
He was taken by surprise, however, as Romulus extended his hand.
"How old are you?" The king asked.
"S-Sixteen, s-sire," Ervin answered, hesitantly placing his frail hand in Romulus'.
Romulus smiled.
"Well, Ervin, if you are able-bodied enough to carry out rudimentary tasks," He said, "Then would you return with me to my kingdom as my manservant?"
Ervin's eyes lit up.
"Yes, your 'ighness!" He cried, "I'd be honored to! I'll do anyfink yew ask of me, sire!"

After the meeting, Romulus and Ervin rode back to Romulus' kingdom. There, Ervin was granted a bath and new clothes to wear. It wasn't too long before Ervin and Romulus became good friends. They could tell each other anything over a pint of mead or a goblet of wine. When questioned, Romulus stated that he reserved the right to treat his manservant after a hard day's work. From friendship, however, came odd feelings that neither of them truly understood.

It wasn't until one evening when Romulus called Ervin into his chambers that they figured out exactly what these feelings were.
"Y-Your Majesty, you sent for me?" Ervin asked.
Romulus nodded.
"Shut and lock the door, Ervin."
Ervin did as he was told and took his place at Romulus' side.
Romulus stood and placed one hand against Ervin's face, and another on his waist. Ervin was beet red from the suddenness of the action. Romulus stared deeply into those blue eyes he grew to love so much as he spilled his heart out for Ervin to take in. Gentle words, so softly spoken, so... Dangerous. Romulus finally understood. It was love, deep, romantic love for Ervin that he felt. He knew his life would end if anyone found out, that they would kill the both of them, and he cared not. All he could bring himself to care about was Ervin. When he gave Ervin the chance to reject his feelings, the rejection never came.
The kiss they shared was heated, passionate, wonderful, beautiful. They made love that night, only focusing on how they made each other feel, how much they loved each other.

It was a year later when the secret came to light. A princess sent to marry Romulus figured it out and her father waged war on the kingdom. Romulus' armies were defeated, and Romulus beheaded right in front of his beloved Ervin. Everything went black... Until he saw a bright light, felt a gentle warmth embracing him, pulling him in until he opened his eyes... The first of four to be taken in by the Mindscape, his soul and memory surviving death.

King Romulus, Creativity- Your host is Thomas Sanders...

To Be Continued...

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