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Meeting Sirius Black for the second time was an...experience. Astara White and Lily Evans sat under one of the thick trees outside of the school next to the Black Lake. Lily reading one of her many books that she got over the summer and Astara was laying on her back, listening to her friends voice.

Lifting her head, she saw Remus Lupin walking over, more like stomping, with a angry pout in his face. His brows were furrowed as he looked at them. The, currently, dark purple haired girl sat up on her elbows and looked up at him in amusement, he looked like a grumpy toddler. He plopped down and dug his head into her stomach like a child.

Astara laughed at him in surprise, snorting slightly as she did, making Lily look over at her. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting it!" Before starting to laugh again. She ran a sharp nailed hand through his dusty brown hair as he grumbled into her stomach. "You ok, honey?"

You see, Astara and Remus had been friends since they were just little tots. They were particularly brother and sister so when Remus was upset or sad, he tended to go to her. Mostly for hugs and talking, so this was a natural occurrence for them.

Before he could answer though, three figures jogged up to them. James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. James Potter was a tall boy with messy dark hair and round glasses that perched on his nose. He was the leader of the so called 'Marauders' and happened to be head over heels for, Astaras very own, Lily Evans.

Peter Pettigrew was a plump boy with a short stature and dirty blonde hair. Astara didn't really know much about him besides the fact that he was always around the other Marauders. Kind of like a lackey.

And lastly, Sirius Black. He had thick black hair that feel just over his shoulders and stormy grey eyes that made most girls fall to her knees. Astara had never had an interaction with him, except from when he thought that she was a dude, because she was a year older then them. She was a fifth year while the Marauders and Lily were in fourth.

The three boys made it over and looked at Remus, who still had his face buried into her stomach, very confused about what was happening. They looked at their friend and then to the purple haired girl before looking back down. Astara giggled at how ridiculous this must look and said, "Remus is unavailable right now, can I take a message?"

James was the first to talk. "Damn, Remus! I didn't know you had it in you." He said teasingly as he looked at his pouty friend.

The boy in question lifted his head slightly and turned it to the side. Remus glared at him, not as threateningly as he wanted. "This is my best friend, Astara White. You will not go near her. Same goes to you Sirius" Before turning his head back.

Sirius, on the other hand, pretended to look very offended when Remus said she was his best friend. "Excuse me? Your BEST friend?"

Remus only turned his head to the side once more, looked him dead in the eye and nodded his head before turning his head back and trying to take a well deserved nap. Sirius shrugged, dropping his offend look as held out his hand to Astara. "I'm Sirius. Sirius Black." He put on the charm, despite Remus's warning and smirked at her.

"What did I just say?!" Remus said angrily as he glared at his friend. He didn't want Astara to get hurt by his friends stupid mistakes with women. Sirius was a known playboy but that didn't stop girls from falling for his boyish charm and fabulous hair. He would not lose his best friend because Sirius couldn't keep it in his pants.

Astara only laughed at Remus's overprotectiveness and ran a hand through his hair, making him calm down immediately. She held out her other handt and shook his. "You can just call me Tara."

Sirius seemed to melt on the inside and smiled, a nice smile go at that. "I like it.." He said mostly to him that self but Astara heard none the less. James and Peter introduced themselves to her and, without an invitation, the three boys joined, with sleeping and pissy Remus on Astaras stomach.

James flirted, terribly, with Lily who quickly shut him down with a quick comment. Remus had fallen asleep, quickly growing bored of the conversation. Peter sat quietly for the most part, quickly adding things when he could. Sirius and Astara talked a little, the Gryffindor boy mostly flirting with her and getting swatted at by sleepy Remus while the older girl laughed it off and had a comeback for each of his pickup lines.

And slowly, over time, her dark purple hair turned more bright and colorful for friendship and loyalty.

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