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• past •

Outside of Hogwarts, there was a crumbling brick wall. It was where Astara went to collect her thoughts, especially when the Astronomy tower was occupied by horny fifth years. So this where she would go.

She sat on the broken wall with one leg bent up at the knee while the other hung off the side. Her hair, the color being forced as not to show her real emotions, was bleach blonde and pulled up into five knots on her head. Her eyes sharp and grey, staring out at the Black Lake that wasn't too far as she took another puff of her cigar. She hated this day. It reminded her of-

"So this is where you have been hiding." Astara turned her head to see Sirius walking towards her, his hands tucked into pockets with a smirk on his face. She gave him a small smile before turning her head back and saying, "Well, the tower was...full so I came over here." He must have noticed her sadden expression as he went to say something but she interrupted him.

"How did you find me?" Her voice was soft as she blew out another puff of smoke.

"Lily may or may not have mentioned something." He walked over and sat across from her, one leg over the other. Her cut up cream jumper and black and white plaid pants looked quite comfortable for a crisp day as it was turning back from winter to spring soon. "What's wrong, love?"

In Astara's mind, she weighted the pros and cons of telling him about them but the pros ended up winning. She sighed before saying, "Today is the anniversary of my parents death." His eyes widen before scooting closer to her, letting the side of her head fall on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna...talk about it?" Sirius had never been a listener. Liking to talk about himself and others but, for her, he would do anything to make her feel better.

"They died when I was six. They were powerful aurors, pretty good ones at that, but they were killed on a mission. I remember sitting in front of the door with a big smile on my face as I waited for my parents to get home. But they never did. I sat there for two days before someone came to the door and told me that they were dead. Soon after that, I was put into the muggle orphan system and when I was eight, I was adopted by this nice couple that couldn't have kids of their own. They didn't know I was a witch until I got my letter. Dumbledore had to come and explain what was happening but thankfully they are very understanding people." Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, Sirius quickly wiped off before she chuckled sadly, "My parents would have loved you.."

"What were they like?" He asked softly as he pulled her closer and took the cigar out of her hand so she wouldn't accidentally burn herself in the tip.

"My mom was..the best. She made the best food, she took care of my when I was sick, and just awesome," She smiled at the thought of her mother. Clementine White was a short, curvy woman that had her hair in a big afro most of the time. Her smile was brighter than the fucking sun.

"My dad was my best friend. He made me laugh, he taught me so much, and he even brought me my first broom. He made me feel better on my worst days." Her father, Abraham White, was a tall and lanky man, almost at 6 feet and liked hugs. He had a resting bitch face, something Astara got from him, but when he smiled, he was the nicest guy and you just wanted to give him a hug. They were the best.

"They sound amazing. No wonder you got a wonderful personality." She giggled, already feeling better.

"Thank you, Sirius.."

Sirius looked down at her confused and asked, "For what, love?"

"For listening."

/Lioness\ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now