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• past •

It had been almost 2 and a half months since Sirius and Astara became friends. They were practically attached at the hip. Sirius liked almost everything about her. Key word: almost. She was funny, smart, silly, not to mention beautiful, she was the total package. But she had a terrible boyfriend. This is not just coming from Sirius, oh no, this is coming from all of her friends.

Bryan Haywood was the worst, everyone could see it besides Astara. Sure he was good looking, short blonde hair, green eyes, and skin tanned to perfection but he was possessive, not in a cute way, in a 'you can't hang out with other guys' kind of way. He also hit on other girls and had cheated on pass girlfriends but for some reason, Astara couldn't see it. Until this happened...

Sirius Black had been looking everywhere for his multi-hair colored friend. He looked in the library, ask Dumbledore AND McGonagall but couldn't find her. He returned to the common room and saw Remus and James on the couch, Remus reading something while James did nothing.

"Have you guys seen Astara? I can't find her anywhere." He asked as he looked between them. The both of them looked at eachother in surprise before Remus said, "You didn't hear?"

His eyebrows scrunched in the middle as he looked at his friends in confusion. "Hear what?"

Remus ignored his question and said, "Check the Astronomy tower. That's where she likes to go when she's upset."

'Upset? About what?' Sirius thought as he thanked them and ran back out the portrait hole to the Astronomy tower. He walked up the stairs quickly and climbed up the hatch. In the middle of the tower was large copper rings that looked like a time turner. On one side of the large open room were big arch ways that opened up and had railing for safety.

Sitting to the right in the middle of one of the archways, criss cross was Astara White. Her hair was long dark blue, two parts of which were pulled into two high ponytails. The shade of blue depended in how sad she was feeling. She must be really depressed at the moment. Remus was right.

When he got closer, he could see the sad look on her face and something he didn't except. Between her plush lips was a lit cigar, a habit he didn't know she had. "I didn't know you smoked." He said with a small smile, alerting the dark skinned girl of his presence.

She looked at him for a second with a unreadable expression before turning back and blowing smoke from her mouth. "I don't normally. I just like the smell. It reminds me of back home."

Sirius walked over and sat next to her, bumping shoulders with her but she didn't snap out of it. She gazed off into the distance but looked at nothing in particular.

"You ok?" He bumped shoulders with her as he asked. She chuckled sadly and said, "What gave it away?"

Ok, now he was concerned. "What happened?" He asked as his eyebrows scrunched, stormy eyes laced with concern.

"Bryan cheated and then blamed it on me." She said simply as she took another puff of her cigar. Sirius's face hardened in anger at what she said.

"What?" He asked angrily as he glared at no one in particular.

"Yeah, he said that if I wasn't such a gold digging bitch, he wouldn't have cheated on me. Said that I was only dating him because of his popularity. Fucking prick." The last part she said under her breath as she breathed out smoke and smelling it. She shrugged it off like no big deal in the outside, like she didn't care while her midnight hair said something else.

Sirius on the other hand was pissed. His jaw was clenched, eyebrows furrowed, and a scowl on his face. He tightened his fists as he went to stand up. "Turns out I have to go do something."

He stood up and went to go kick her ex's ass when she grabbed to bottom of his shirt. She chuckled at her friends overprotective nature, something she loved about him and tugged on him.

"No don't. Please. Just stay." She gave him her best puppy eyes which made him crumble and sit back down. She leaned against him and handed him her cigar. He puffed smoke at her and she breathed it in with a giggle.

"What are you giggling at?" He asked with a smirk.

"I already cursed him. I turned his thingy green." Astara said before laughing loudly as she saw the almost scared look on his face as Sirius looked down at her, making her laugh even harder.

"Remind me never to cross you.."

He watched throughout the night as the sun went down and Astara had fallen asleep with her head against his chest. Sirius had watched as her hair had slowly turned from dark navy blue to pastel blue, which meant she was still sad but definitely not as much as before, but also light pink at the tips. Something he hadn't seen before so he didn't know what it meant.

He looked down and saw Astaras relaxed face and soft breathing, making her chest move up and down slowly. He didn't know way he did what he did next but he did it. He kissed her on the forehead. Sirius froze. Why did he do that? And why did he want to do it again?

He quickly brushed it off as a friend thing that a friend did to another friend who was sad. That works. He relaxed against her and leaned his cheek on the top of her head before falling asleep himself.

"Goodnight, Astara.."

/Lioness\ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now