Childhood Flashback

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(Just a little head canon, I believe that Kenma and Kuroo met at around age 5-6, I couldn't find any official age)

Nine years ago

Kuroo grabs Kenma's hand and helps him walk up the hill, both of them trying not to slip and fall into the dirt. With one pull, Kuroo helps Kenma take the final step and he looks at Kuroo, "So.. um.. why did you want to bring me here? You know I'm not that into outdoors.."

Kuroo laughs, "I know, but for some reason I think you'd like to see this! I came up here a while ago while exploring and I immediately thought of you."

Kenma nods slowly, "I don't get why you'd think of me while looking at anything from outdoors." He sighs a little.

Kuroo holds onto Kenma's hand a little tighter, "Just be quiet and follow me! I promise you won't regret it!" Kenma nods silently and walks behind the energetic black haired boy.

The two go on for a while, Kenma occasionally almost tripping over different roots and rocks, Kuroo has to help him navigate with his hand and flashlight. They soon arrive at a small open area with only a few trees, the grass is a little taller than the rest of the park, as this part hasn't been visited by people in a long time. Kuroo sits down in front of a tree trunk and Kenma tilts his head, "What are you doing?" He asks curiously.

Kuroo pats his lap, "I'm sitting down, you can sit on my lap if you don't wanna get dirty?" He suggests, hopeful the smaller boy will accept his offer.

Kenma walks closer to Kuroo and plops down in his lap, the bigger one of the two hugs the smaller one around the waist. "Kuro... can you tell me what we're doing here now? It's chilly." Kenma asks, then states.

"Well, here take this." Kuroo hands Kenma the flashlight and and leans back on the trunk of the tree and wraps his jacket so it partially covers Kenma, "Turn it off and look up."

Kenma follows his friends instructions and turns off the flashlight, but he holds it close in case anything comes after them. He leans back on Kuroo and looks up, his lips gaping a little. "Oh.. wow..." he says quietly.

In the night sky are thousands of bright stars, shining down on the two, and the rest of the world. "I like it." Kenma tells Kuroo.

Even though Kenma can't see it, Kuroo smiles widely, "I knew you would! You should listen to me more!" He says with pride.

"But why do the stars remind you of me?" Kenma asks with curiousity.

Kuroo hugs Kenma a little tighter, "Because your eyes shine the same way, and just as bright. Although it usually only happens when you look at video games, I wanna make you look at me the same way someday!" Kuroo says happily, and shyly.

Kenma raises his eyebrow, "You sound old."

"I practiced a lot on that.." Kuroo admits with puffed cheeks, embarrassed that he had to say it aloud.

Kenma laughs a little, "Of course you did. But why would you want me to look at you like that? If you want to be a video game that's a dumb thing to wish for." He tells Kuroo, confused once again.

Kuroo places his head in the crease of Kenma's shoulder and whispers, "Because I want to marry you in the future dummy."

Kenma widens his eyes and violently twists his head to face Kuroo, "Marry me? But I'm not a girl, and we're only eight!" He points out. Even in the dark, it's noticeable that Kenma is blushing.

Kuroo nods surely, "No point in trying to tell me otherwise, I've made up my mind. Besides, my mom says you have to marry someone you care about... you're the only one I care about like that, Kenma.." Kuroo's cheeks heat up. "What do you say?"

Kenma looks down and fiddles with his fingers, "We're only eight. You might change your mind!" Kenma counters.

Kuroo thinks and shakes his head, "No I won't, I already decided that I won't. Don't you wanna marry me too?" The raven-haired boy asks with a frown.

Kenma goes silent for a moment, thinking about what a future with Kuroo would be like. So far, it's been a couple years since they met, and Kuroo never really forced him to do anything he didn't like. So it wouldn't be too bad. "Okay.. but promise you can't leave me... I'm not good with people.. but I wouldn't mind.. doing that.." Kenma trails off, getting quieter as he speaks.

Kuroo smiles "I promise!" He hugs Kenma even tighter, resulting in Kenma letting out a gasp of surprise, "If you keep squeezing me, I'll die before the wedding idiot!"Kenma cries out. Kuroo loosens his grip a little to let his friend breathe. "How long are we going to be out here..?" Kenma asks, Kuroo shrugs. "Let's go back before it gets too cold.." Kenma suggests, and Kuroo nods in response.

They sit there for a few more minutes, starring at the stars, and pointing out ones what make interesting shapes.

To be  continued

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