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Kenma storms down the street to the closest reliable store to get what he needs. He's pretty sure he looks like suspect for drug dealing with his messy hair poking out of a hood over his head, and also considering the intense and a very aura around him. He could've swore he feels eyes on him from people driving by.

It's only a few more minutes before he reaches an all purpose store, like Walmart but smaller. He walks through the door and lowers his hood, he prays to Asahi(just thought I'd throw a joke in here) that he doesn't meet anyone he knows from school or any other place. Kenma goes straight into the hair dye aisle and looks through all of the colors. He definitely wants something different, but not too much, he still hates the idea of standing out too much. Kenma looks at all the different brands, wondering if there is much difference.

A store attendant walks over and smiles, he nods to greet her, against his unsocial will, but he wants to be polite. "Can I help you with anything?" She asks him.

Even though he would much rather ignore her, he does have a question. "Um.. yes.. there are different brands.. are there any that are more recommended?" He asks, his voice is soft and quiet.

She luckily hears him and bobs her head slowly, "It really depends on your preference I guess, I'm not too sure. What color do you have in mind?" She asks nicely, her arms are folded neatly upon her lap.

Kenma brings his hand up to his chin and thinks, he picks up a dark blue color. "I like this one."

She laughs a little and then responds, "Then lets go with that brand." The woman, who looks like she's in her early twenties, looks up at Kenma and realizes he wasn't smiling, but rather confused about what she exactly helped him with. "Oh sorry." She awkwardly chuckles.

"No it's fine." Kenma examines the box he holds, it has a women on the front and he wonders why there's rarely a man on it. Do women really dye their hair much more than guys do? "Yeah I think I'll just go with this one, thank you." Kenma walks away, letting out a breath he'd held since she walked up to him.

Kenma walks up to the cash register and pats for the hair dye, along with some snacks he bought while passing by the aisles on his way to the register. Some Monster and chips to be specific.

He pays and then leaves the store, he quickly walks back to his house, he pulls his hood over his head again.

Back at his house, Kenma walks back into his room and lays the hair dye on his bed and stares at it. "Am I being too dramatic? I'm sure I'll just get over it if I just don't see him for a while. Should I call him? Apologize to him?" Kenma sinks to the floor and had a grip on the roots of his hair. He looks at his phone, still laying on the bed. "Maybe if I call him.. everything will go back to normal.. he'll just keep seeing me as his friend that was so mean to him but couldn't live without him. A friend that loved him only to the point of being best friends, one that he's sure Kuroo never thought was capable of romantic feelings." He stands up and picks up his phone it's August 24th, on a Friday too, the training camp was five days and four nights. He has a whole week plus a weekend till he actually can see Kuroo without speaking to him to have him come over. Kenma nods, that seems like a good time to cool off and detach himself, he thinks to himself with overwhelming sarcasm.

Kenma tosses his phone at the wall and it falls behind his desk, he wants to rid any possibilities that he may contact Kuroo. If he did he may just lash out again. Kenma takes out his snacks and logs onto his computer. Anyone could probably guess he had no intention of ever leaving that spot again.

The hair dye he bought sits in his bed, a just in case for the next inevitable breakdown.

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