The whole goddam race

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Kenma's parents were taken aback by the sudden change in hair color, and asked Kenma why he did it. "I don't know. I felt like dyeing my hair again, Hinata helped me a little." He didn't really help, just make random conversation starters so they would t be sitting in silence.

Kenma's Mother sighs, "Look Kenma, I worry about you. You came back from training camp and you got in a fight with Kuroo, and now you dye your hair a non-natural color? I thought you didn't even like standing out." She asks her son, worried he may be going through some teenage rebellion, although it's Kenma, would he even have the energy to go through that?

He sighs, "Not really, but I like the color, and Hinata said it would look good on me, so I did it. I think it looks nice.. do you not like it?" Kenma asks, brushing his dark blue hair behind his ear.

His mother waves her hand at him, "No no! That's not it, it does look good on you. I'm just worried that this is a phase and you'll come to regret it once you go to school.." his mother rubs the back of her neck, wondering whether she said the right words to explain.

Kenma smiles to comfort his mother's worries, "I'll be fine, promise."

She places a hand on Kenma's shoulder, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Kuroo? You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable saying it." She smiles back at him.

Kenma ponders on that for a little before sighing and nodding, "I don't wanna go into.. too much detail.. but it was recently when I found out he isn't one to keep promises.. it got on my nerves so I yelled at him.. and.. and now we aren't speaking to each other."

She sighs and rubs her forehead with her other hand, "Would you like me to invite his mother over for tea." She looks back up and Kenma with a smile with motherly evil intent, it sent shivers down Kenma's spine. "It would give you both an excuse to talk to him!"

Kenma waves his hands at his Mother, "No thank you.. that would be a little too awkward.." he sighs.

His mother pouts her bottom lip, "The hardest part about being friends with your child's friend's parent is that when the children get into fights the parents don't see each other as much. I really got attached to that family, such nice people, so at least attempt to try and regain the trust in yours and Kuroo's relationship." She crosses her arms but keeps her facial expression soft.

I nod my head slowly at her remark, "Okay, I'll try. It's gonna be hard though." He leans back on the couch and groans loudly.

His Mother flicks his forehead, Kenma looks at her in surprise, "If you aren't going to tell your dear old Mother about what happened then don't say things that make me curious!" She whines, giving Kenma tempting eyes.

He flicks her hand of his forehead and sighs, "Sorry."

She stands up and smooths out her skirt, she hadn't changed from her work clothes yet, "And stop sighing, you're making me miserable, I had a good day too! You didn't even ask me how my day was, how did I raise such a improper child." She dramatically throws a hand across her forehead.

Kenma raises an eyebrow at his Mother, "Well I would've asked if you didn't quickly bombard me with questions about my new hairdo! Aren't you a mother? You should already be miserable, you have a kid, there's nothing worse."

She throws a pillow at his head, "Oh stop it, you can at least sound grateful I'm such a wonderful Mother! I don't force you to go anywhere, that's Kuroo's job!" She gasps, "If things continue how they were, he'll end up stealing my job!"

Kenma shakes his head, "At least you know how to cook." His Mother nods in agreement to that.

"Well I'll start making dinner. I won't keep you out here any longer, you can go play those games." She walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, "Also, your Father says he has to stay late at the office again, his Boss is so irresponsible, I keep telling him to search for another job!"

Kenma leaves before hearing her long rant about his Father's job again. He walks into his room and lays on his bed after closing the door. As he lays on his bed, the now dark haired setter turns his head to look into the mirror on the side of the door. "I wonder how Kuroo will react.. he always did like blondes better. I wonder if he'll act any different... despite the fact that I slapped him." He makes a loud noise of frustration into his pillow just remembering what happened. "Why did I have to overreact! No one in their right mind would expect an actual child to keep their promise years later." He has another realization, "Does that mean I'll be set up by my Mom with other people?!" He cringes then shakes his head, "No I don't wanna think about that.."

Kenma lays in silence for a few more minutes before speaking to himself again, "I have what.. one more week until school starts. This will be so much fun." His voice is heavy with sarcasm as he finishes. "I should seriously consider being homeschooled. Who needs people anyways... they're all idiots and pathetic. The whole goddam race." He kicks his feet on his bed.

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