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Kenma walks off from Kuroo, he feels guilty about leading him on and leaving him, but he can't just let it out now, he saw how happy Kuroo and Yachi were chatting with each other after their match. Just talking to Kuroo made him feel worse, it realized how big the hole is in his chest is now that he realizes the Kuroo will always be out of Kenma's grasp. He runs back down the hill where he met with Hinata last night and falls at the edge of the tree. He grasps his knees and rests his head on them. "I shouldn't have tried to talk to him yet.. I should've just waited.." he says, he slowly brings his hands up to his face and cries into his hands.

He stops after a few minutes and takes a few slow, and deep, breaths to try and calm himself down. He hears footsteps and brings his eyes to look at the person who appeared from behind the building. "Kenma! Are you okay!? I got switched out and when I looked around for you but when I didn't see you I asked one of your teammates and they said that they saw you run off! Thank god I checked here first!" Hinata shouts with concern and worry. He rushes to Kenma's side and wraps his arms around the setter. "We're you crying?! What happened?" He asks, Hinata leans his head forward to look Kenma in the face.

Kenma sniffs and shakes his head, "I tried speaking to him.. I tried.. but I couldn't even give him an explanation.. ugh I hate this!" He says, he starts to tear up as he talks about it again.

Hinata rubs Kenma's shoulder with sympathy, "Do you still like him?" He asks.

Kenma nods, "Of course I do.. Shoyo.. I thought I was going to spend my life with him, I thought I was going to marry him up until now! That's years of love.. and I.. I can't just get rid of that in two days.."

It breaks Hinata's heart to see his friend so sad, he isn't too well at handling emotional people, and he doesn't really get sad himself. "It's okay, it isn't easy to just let someone go.. and since you deserve the galaxy, you can take as much time as you want to make sure you're okay!" He says with a cheerful voice.

Kenma scoffs, trying to hide an actual laugh, "Thank you.. for this.. and keeping me company. I'm probably taking a lot of time out of your practicing.." Kenma says quietly

Hinata slides his hand up to Kenma's natural brown roots and lets his head, it's what his mother does to calm him down, so maybe it will help Kenma. From what he sees it does work, Kenma's chest rises and falls to a normal rhythm. Hinata smiles. "There you go.."

"This is embarrassing.." Kenma says, but he doesn't move away, instead he rests his head on Hinata's chest.

The two sit in the grass, Hinata  on his knees to support Kenma leaning on his chest, one hand on the setter's head and the other wrapped around him on his shoulder.

-before that-

Kuroo had stayed in the same spot, trying to figure out what it all meant. His brain, one that handles hard chemistry quizzes, who has gotten him nearly perfect grades, can't for the love of god, figure out what Kenma is trying to say. He can't tell how long he stays there but he sees Chibi-chan run from the gym. Kuroo stands up out of curiosity and walks slowly behind, hoping he isn't caught following.

He stops and rubs his face, "God what am I doing, Kenma needs privacy..." he turns around but then stops again, "But Chibi-chan looked pretty frantic running to wherever Kenma is.." he turns back around and slowly walks to where he saw Hinata run off to.

Kuroo reaches the top of the hill and peeks down, he hides behind a tree. He sees Hinata on the grass hugging Kenma, comforting him while he cries. Kuroo's heart hurts, he remembers when he used to be the one Kenma would let everything out to. He sighs and sits on the floor, turning away from the sight. He takes a deep breath and peeks around the corner again. They're speaking but he can only hear distanced words, "... like him.... going to marry... two days.. deserve the galaxy.. you're okay.... taking a lot of time... embarrassing."

Kuroo raises an eyebrow, "what do these words mean... they're certainly weird words." He tries to connect some key words.

-like him
-going to marry
-two days
-taking a lot of time

"What do they mean.. what do they mean... He likes him.. who.. going to marry? And two days." Kuroo's eyes widen then he shakes his head. "No there's no way, Kenma isn't getting married, he would definitely know.. then again.. Kenma has been avoiding him lately." Kuroo stands up and walks away, shaking the idea out of his head and trying to think of another possibility.

Kuroo walks back into the gym to try and practice to get his mind off things.

Kenma lifts his head, "We should probably head back, I don't want people to come and find us, only to find us like this. I'd get teased about it for days." He looks at Hinata and gets surprised to see that Hinata got a little teary too, "Wait you're crying too?!" He asks, concerned and worried why the energetic ball is tearing up.

Hinata quickly wiped his face, "No I'm not! It's just... seeing you sad like this.. makes me sad." He defends himself. Kenma laughs, "It isn't funny!" Hinata says, pouting a little.

Kenma sits back and smiles, "Of course not."

Hinata stands up and offers his hand to Kenma, "Lets head back! Maybe they'll have another picnic like last time! That was so yummy!"

Kenma takes Hinata's hand and helps himself up, "Thanks Shoyo."

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