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The sun rises on the last day of the training camp, it lasted four days. Four days of hard practice and weird events.

Kenma's eyelids flutter open, the entire night had been like this, unable to let him sleep. He stretches his arms and rubs his eyes. Kenma sits up and looks around, most people are still sleeping, even Kuroo. He looks out the window and sighs, "I guess I couldn't sleep very well." He thinks to himself. Kenma looks back at the raven haired captain and frowns. He brushes his fingers across Kuroo's cheek before getting getting up and leaving for the restroom.

Kuroo lays still for a moment, he lifts his fingers and touches the spot that Kenma touched. That small gesture of affection now has him even more confused. Is Kenma mad at him or not. He sits up and rubs his head, he didn't get much sleep either. Kuroo faces the door and sighs. "You're so confusing Kenma. Just figure out if you're mad at me or not. You really are like a cat." Kuroo thinks to himself before getting up. "Now that I think about it, what's Kenma doing up this early? Usually I have to shake him... oh.. he probably doesn't wanna see me, that's why he's up so early" the raven haired captain concludes. He stretches his arm and looks out the window. The suns just barely up, he walks over and slides the curtains open, so that when the sun does come up it'll wake the others.

He walks back over to his bag and takes out a white t-shirt and some red shorts. He changes into them quickly and walks out of the room to try and find Kenma, he knows that he should probably put some space in between them so Kenma can calm down, but he wanted to settle this quickly. He walks downstairs and to the common room and friends, he isn't there. He walks around the hallways. Kuroo frowns. "Where are you Kenma.." He groans.

"You're looking for Kenma?" A voice says quietly from behind him.

Kuroo turns around quickly, startled by the new presence. It's Karasuno's setter. "Chibi-chan? Oh- yeah I'm looking for Kenma, have you seen him? He left and didn't say anything."

Hinata tightens the grasp on his own worn out volleyball and stays silent before answering again, his answer still almost a whisper. "Maybe you.. shouldn't look for him now. Just give him some space." Hinata advises, he recalls how broken his setter friend was last night, and it was this black haired captains fault. Anyone would feel angry at the person who made their friend cry.

Kuroo scratches his head, "So you think so too, huh? Well I would but I can't. Could you maybe help? I saw you both talking last night and I want to know if you can give me any hints to what I did wrong?" He asks.

Hinata shakes his head, "Kenma would be mad at me if I told you, and it's your own fault for forgetting." He sticks his nose into the air.

Kuroo facepalms, "Well I can't remember anything if I don't know what I'm supposed to remember. Was it that bad?" He asks again.

Hinata nods, "Yeah, it is pretty bad. You should wait until he calms down before you face him again." He responds.

Kuroo nods, "Okay... if you find out anything else that you can tell me.. please tell me. I wanna know how I can not make him mad at me. Usually he'd just kick me or go out of his way to make my day miserable  until I make it up to him." He laughs at what he says then slowly stops, "But now he can't even be in the same room as me."

Silence overcomes the two before Hinata speaks up, "I'm gonna go toss now. I hope you find out what you did wrong!" The small spiker says with hope as he bounces of outside, leaving Kuroo to think hard.. once again.

When Hinata exits out the door he stops and looks to his left, Kenma sits on the grass by the wall of the dorm house. "Maybe you shouldn't be to hard on him, he seems like he really wants to make it up to you." Hinata tells Kenma. "And doing all this back and forth talking is making me distracted!" He puffs his cheek and walks in front of Kenma. "How are you holding up."

Kenma holds his hand out in front of his face, the one he touched Kuroo's cheek with. "I'll get over it, I just need a little more time to compose myself." He responds quietly like usual. "I know I'm making him worry. I feel bad about that, I'm always making him care for me.." he whispers the last part to himself.

Hinata gives a half hearted smile to hopefully comfort his pudding head friend. "It's okay, you deserve a break from him! You can hang out with me!"

Kenma sighs, "And all you want to do is practice.." he reaches into his pocket and groans, "I left my game inside.. shoot.." Hinata leans down and stares at Kenma with wide eyes, "Fine, I'll practice with you. You owe me though.."

Hinata cheers, tossing the ball into the air and catching it as it comes back down. "Yay! I'll buy you one of those apple pie bars." He says with a small wink. Kenma smiles and stands up, the two of them walk around the building so he and Hinata can practice.

Kuroo followed Hinata secretly and sighs, like he's been doing a lot more recently. "I knew he'd be with you. Keep him company while I try and figure this thing out." He whispers. He starts to walk back to the dorm house to eat breakfast.

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