Logging off

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It has been three days since the training camp, Kenma only left his room to go to the bathroom, and his parents weren't quite sure what was wrong with Kenma, Kuroo hasn't even tried to get in contact with any of them. Although Kenma's Mother was nice enough to let his son try and sort things out on his own, so she would leave food at his door for breakfast and dinner, she was just thankful that he took showers and ate when she told him to.

It's Sunday afternoon but Kenma lays face down on his bed. He had shoved everything that reminded of Kuroo into the corner and hid it under a blanket.

"It's like I'm going through a break-up and we weren't even together! Or Atleast I thought we were, that little fucker obviously didn't." He stands up and walks over to his computer and logged onto Minecraft, more specifically the server he made with Hinata just for fun. Although he didn't expect it, Hinata logs on right away. Kenma raises a brow at this, Hinata rarely joined the server, only when Kenma had something to show him. After a few seconds, a message appears on the side of his screen.

Volleyball10> Kenma!!! Thank god! I've been trying to get in touch with you but you won't pick up your phone!! What happened?!

Kenma_K> Oh hey Shoyo. Nothing happened.

Volleyball10> I don't believe you! Should I come over?! I'm really worried about you!

Kenma_K> Shoyo. It would take three hours to come to my house.

Volleyball10> I can take a train!!

Kenma_K> no. Don't waste your money for a ticket.

Volleyball10>okay.. if you say so.. but please start answering your phone!! I will hitchhike and bonk you if you don't!

Kenma_K> okay Shoyo. Thanks for worrying

Volleyball10> of course!! Now stay safe and don't do anything crazy!!

Kenma_K> how would I look with dark blue hair?

Volleyball10> WHAT?!!1!!

Kenma_K> you're overreacting. Just answer the question.

Volleyball10> well I think you'd look pretty good.

Kenma_K> okay.

Volleyball10> wait are you dyeing your hair?!

Kenma_K> I bought the hair dye but I'm still debating

Volleyball10> You should do it. Imagine Kuroo's face when you dye your hair without him.

Kenma_K> yeah, he was the one who helped me bleach my hair.

Volleyball10> then do it!! He deserves to be a little shaken up after what he pulled!!

Kenma_K> yeah you're right.

Volleyball10> Answer my FaceTime Kenma!

Kenma_K> why?

Volleyball10> Because I wanna watch you dye your hair.

Kenma_K> just use zoom? I don't wanna use my phone.

Volleyball10> oh why is that?

Kenma_K> I'm positive Kuroo tried to contact me, and I don't wanna see his messages.

Volleyball10> Understand. Okay lemme send you the code.

A few minutes later Hinata sends a code and Kenma pastes it into zoom and it connects. He logs out of minecraft and opens the zoom tab, Kenma waves into his camera and he sees Hinata smile brightly back.  "Kenma!! I can see you!" He says happily.

"Of course you can, it's a video call." Kenma says, rolling his eyes. He leans back in his chair and sighs.

Hinata sighs too, "Um Kenma.. can you tell me exactly what happened? You gave me a pretty vague answer last time." His eyes widen a little, "Only if you wanna."

Kenma nods and rubs his forehead. "I guess I should let it out in a way that doesn't involve self destructive tendencies." Hinata tilts his head at that, Kenma shrugs it off and they both forget about it. Hinata looks patiently at Kenma. "So.. when I told him, he thought I was joking at first. Ugh I started crying in front of him." Kenma realizes something. "Oh my god I slapped him too!" He claps his hands over his eyes.

Hinata gives a small pfft sound, and Kenma glares at him, then softens his gaze. "How did you not remember?"

Kenma groans loudly, "I was caught up in the moment! He's probably confused and frustrated right now! I'm not helping at all!"

Hinata gives a comforting smile, "Well when school starts you'll have plenty of time to make up! Think about it like that! You'll have volleyball together, so it's not like you won't ever see each other." Hinata tells Kenma, hoping to reassure him, but only does much bigger damage.

Kenma whines into his hands, "Not helping Shoyo!" They go silent for a second. "Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I'm just riled up about it still." He sighs to let himself cool off. "Anyways, I'm actually considering doing school from home, but I know I'd never get anything done."

Hinata stands up and slams his hand on the desk. "But then you'd be quoting volleyball! Do you hate it that much? You can't just quit!"

Kenma thinks for a moment, "I don't have any attachment to it, although I get to see you at games so I don't mind it so much. I used to like practicing with Kuroo.." he brings his knees up to his chest and lays his head down.

Hinata sees Kenma get all small so he sits back down and sighs, "I get that. I wish you could just come to Karasuno! Although I don't think Kageyama would like having his spot of jeopardy." He laughs.

Kenma contemplates for a moment, then raises his head. "Actually I do have family there...so moving is an option.."

Hinata frantically waves his hands at his camera, "No no no! You need to work things out with Kuroo-San!" He says worriedly. "I shouldn't have given you that idea." He sighs and lowers his hand.

Kenma laughs a little, "I know, I was only kidding. But..." Kenma rolls around and walks to his bed.

Hinata catches glance at his living situation and his mouth is ajar, "Kenma! What's with all of the trash?! How many monsters have you drank?!" Hinata says, concerned for his friends health.

Kenma walks back over with a store bag, he looks back behind him. "Oh don't mind that, the result of many all-nighters-" he can hear Hinata mumble something about his dark circles but he doesn't mind it, "I have hair dye!"

Hinata looks at it and stares, then back at Kenma. "Let me see!" He seems excited but still has a hard time letting all those monsters go. Kenma takes the box out and shows it off, Hinata claps his hands. "You'll look so good!"

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