Coming clean

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Kenna had left the gym quite quickly, he didn't really have anywhere to go, there's a spot he sometimes go to when practice is done but Kuroo stays after to clean up or do extra practice, so that's where he heads. Kenma walks down the grassy hilland stops. He clenched his fists and grits his teeth.

It had just now sunk in. Kuroo is dating Karasuno's new manager. He stays like that for a few more seconds, letting each nanosecond he caught glimpse of that scene jab into him. The dyed blonde setter takes a couple more steps until he reaches a large tree, to which he sits behind and curls up, it's somewhere no one would think to search first. He just wanted to be alone for a while, just to think.

Kenma takes his seat on the edge of the tree trunk and places his bag beside him. Kenma sits for a while then wraps his arms around his knees, he closes his eyes and faces down at his feet.

I guess I was a terrible fiancée, if you ever even considered me that. I should've tried harder to become more than friends, even though I thought we already were. You did promise me.

Kenma tightens his grip on his legs. As his thoughts plummet deeper.

Do you even remember our promise? Or do you even want to remember it? Why didn't you tell me about you and her? I bet I know why..

Kenma would've probably gotten worse with his thoughts if his phone didn't buzz from the pocket outside his bag. He turns his head to look at it then picks it up, it's a text from Hinata.

Shoyo> hey Kenma!! Where did you go?? I didn't see you at the cafeteria so I got you dinner!
>where are you I'll come and give it to you!! :D

Kenma gives a small smile.

Kenma >I'm down the hill outside the gym.
>you didn't have to get my dinner, wouldn't you rather eat with your team?

Shoyo >no that's okay!! Besides I noticed you were feeling down.

Kenma sighs again, it's not like he was trying to hide that he was feeling down, but it's annoying that are always so readable. He brings his head to his palms and stays like that for a while, until he hears footsteps in the grass. He looks up and sees his invited guest, Kenma waves Hinata over.

"Kenma!!" Hinata yells with a smile, he holds up Kenma's plate, when he gets closer he hands it to Kenma.

Kenma accepts the plate and looks at
Hinata, "You didn't have to.. do this." He says quietly.

Hinata smiles and digs into his food, "No worries! I wanted to! You looked..." Hinata looks at Kenma and his eyes widen. "Kenma! You're crying!?" He exclaims, but it sounds more like a question.

Kenma's eyes widen also, he taps his cheeks with his slim fingers and looks at them, they're damp. "I-I... I hadn't realized.." he whispers.

Hinata sets down their plates and completely faces Kenma, "Are you okay? You've been like this since you came back from behind the gym! Did anything happen?" He asks, very concerned for his friend.

"U-um.. it was really nothing..." Kenma says seriously, as if trying to convince himself of what he's saying.

Hinata shakes his head, "If it was nothing then you wouldn't be crying. If you don't wanna tell me that's fine, but I always feel better when I get things off my chest!" He admits.

Kenma sighs and drops his head onto the orange haired boys shoulder, Hinata looks down at the setter in surprise. "I don't mind saying what it is, but you're not allowed to laugh... or ask any weird questions.."

Hinata shrugs a little but then nods, he places a hand on Kenma's back and listens to what his friend has to say.

Kenma takes a breath before speaking, "So.. when me and Kuro were younger.. he.. um.. he said that he wanted to marry me.. so we both made a promise that we would grow up and marry each other..." Kenma sniffles a little.

This is shocking news for Hinata, he leans his head onto Kenma's for comfort. "And is that a bad thing?"

Kenma shakes his head, he keeps his forehead nudges between Hinata's neck and shoulder. "No it isn't.. I was actually grateful and.. happy." He pauses, "but today I'm sure that it won't happen." He can feel Hinata wanting to ask why, so he fesses up about what he saw. "Today I saw Kuro and your new manager kissing. Behind the building.."

Hinata gasps in surprise and tries to think about when they even had the time to introduce themselves. "But we've only had a few practice matches? When did they find time to meet up, or even exchange names?"

Kenma his arms around his tangerine friend, gripping the back of his jacket. "I-I don't know.. but it's all my fault.. maybe if I tried a little harder to keep him to myself then this wouldn't have happened." He lets out a choked sob, "I know it's stupid since we were only eight.. but I never forgot the day he told me I was the one he'd always care about most, and that he wanted me to be his wife.." A strained laugh is released from Kenma's mouth, thinking about how Kuro wanted him as his wife and didn't really call him his husband. "Maybe that should've been my first hint he wouldn't actually marry me.. he kept calling me his wife. Not husband. He really was always meant to marry a beautiful women.." Kenma hiccups, he finds it harder to speak, and keeps gripping onto Hinata.

The orange hair boy frowns, nearly tearing up himself from hearing about it. "Want me to beat him up for you?" Hinata say with a sad smile, he rubs Kenma's back for comfort.

Kenma laughs a little, "If you can reach his face, make sure to give him a punch for me." They both laugh a little but neither of them move the position they have. Hinata lets Kenma wait until he isn't crying anymore. Kenma is thankful for this, he isn't fond of people watching him cry, even what their doing now is making Kenma almost die of embarrassment, but he needs it, just to let out a few bottled up things.

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