Chapter IX: The Conquest Begins

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May 14th 20XX, Operation day.

Iqbal and the rest of the 1st Group have departed at 6 AM, as the 11th Battalion left the place first by airplane. And differs from their flight from Jakarta to Gajah Mada, which was filled with boredom. This flight was very tense.

None of the 11th Battalion is bored, instead, every one of them is very tense. As none were sleeping, joking around, etc. They were about to begin the operation that could change their nation and their people's lives. And by knowing that, they knew they can't fuck around.

The 11th and the 12th Battalion is to drop on the kingdom to the north, which is smaller than the kingdom to the south. The island is twice the size of that Gajah Mada Island, but it inhabits hundreds of thousands of people there.

They should be there by now. And then, the pilot speaks through the intercom.

"10 minutes to drop zone, 14,000 feet drop." Said the pilot.

The entire 1st and 2nd Company in their rushes to get ready, making sure they are ready to drop. Then, the lights turn green. The hatch began to open, as they ready themselves while breathing oxygen from that tube behind their seats.

They rose, as they lining up. Then, they jumped. There is no style when they jumped, as they just dive from the plane. They saw the second plane behind theirs, containing their fellow members. But then, something surprised Iqbal.

Dragons were flying around, with people mounted on it. About 12 dragons flying about, their actions tell the 11th Battalion that they are patrolling. It seems that the kingdoms have applied their flying dragon battalion in their ranks. The 1st and 2nd Company could not talk to each other, but they knew what they should do.

Iqbal and the rest draw out their handguns and their combat knives, as they were getting close to the dragons. The 11th reacted accordingly, as every man is grouped into 2. Iqbal and Supriyadi have grouped themselves, as Iqbal was in the front and Supriyadi was holding his torso as hard as he can.

But as they about to open their chutes, those dragon riders disperses. Either they have spotted and decided to report it to their superiors, or they have not spotted them and just dispersed.

Nonetheless, the 11th does not need for grouping up. Then when they about to release their chute, those who were in position separated and release their chute.

They landed safely on the drop zone that is located in an open field, as all members are intact. They landed southwest of the northern kingdom's territory, near them, is the road connecting the two kingdoms.

But as they landed, the leaders of each company were summoned by Lieutenant Colonel Farhan, the CO of the 11th.

Iqbal could have guessed what it's about, as the leaders disperse and returned to their own company.

"It's about those dragons, wasn't it?" Guess Iqbal as he cocks up his gun.

"Yeah, the Lieutenant Colonel ain't taking chances. He ordered us to form a defensive perimeter to hold for the 12th arrival. And guess what?" Said Supriyadi.

"He ordered us to scout around?" Iqbal guessed.

"Ping pong! That's correct! We just win ourselves the glory of having the first contact, again." Said Supriyadi, as he pats Iqbal's shoulder.

"I'm beginning to see a pattern here, maybe I'm beginning to be out of my mind. Well, I'll tell the boys we'll be going." Iqbal responded as he walked away from Supriyadi and towards his comrades in the 1st Company.

The company then moves out, as they carry out their recon mission. They walked scouring around the Drop Zone with their radius of search is about 500 meters, for about 2 hours of recon, they only encountered a few villages and 4 outposts.

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