Chapter 4: Will's Return

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During the night, we reached Isla de Pelegostos where we pulled the Pearl completely out of the water, beaching it like a whale. We had tied the rope to stakes in the sand. The small island had a palm jungle boarding the beach, where we went in to seek some shelter.

We came upon the forsaken island by accident. At least, I thought it was an accident. It was located far from normal shipping routes, and it was missing from all our charts and maps. Despite my apprehensive thoughts about the island, Jack disregarded my angst and dictated that we sail to the island anyways.

We stayed in the middle of the island, and quickly discovered that we were not alone. There were natives, not yet affected by western civilization. They forced us to their village, which they built high up on one of the flat mountain peaks of the island. It was connected by rope bridges that strung over ravines. We past by a few of their homes, and saw that they were simply huts made from woven plant fibers, and were sturdy enough to survive tropical storms.

The Pelegostos immediately made Jack their chief, and he appointed me as his queen. From the way he talked to them and already knew their language, it was as if he has been here before. Half of the crew were killed and their bones were used to create cages, and the other half were put into the cages and hung hundreds of feet above a ravine.

Jack can only remain chief if he acts like a chief. They believed that Jack is a God and I am a Goddess in human form, and they intend to do us the honor of releasing us from our fleshy prison. They'll roast us and eat us.

Jack sat at the throne, colored face paint made it look like he had blue eyes painted on his eyelids and three more sets going down his face and a green bug on his nose

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Jack sat at the throne, colored face paint made it look like he had blue eyes painted on his eyelids and three more sets going down his face and a green bug on his nose. I learned that the cannibals used paints, piercings, and tribal masks to help them blend in with their jungle surroundings so they could ambush unsuspecting prey. That's what happened with us.

I was sitting in my own, slightly smaller, throne made of sticks, bones, and plant fibers next to him with blue and white face paint on myself, but I could not see what patterns they painted on me. Based on feeling, I just have lines and markings going down my nose and cheeks.

We were constantly being threatened by the weapons that the Pelegostos kept brandishing at us, which included machetes, spears, bows and arrows, and blow-pipes that were loaded with drugged darts.

I caught glimpse of a couple natives walking over to us, and my eyes widened in shock as I saw Will being carried over toward us while hog-tied to a bamboo pole. Human skulls lined the path that Will was being taken through.

"Will," escaped my lips, watching as Will slowly woke up

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"Will," escaped my lips, watching as Will slowly woke up. It has been about a year since I had last seen him, and he looked just as I remembered. His hair was a bit longer, and he looked a little bulkier.

"Annette? Jack?" Will was groggy as he blinked at us. "Jack Sparrow!" He chuckled, "I can honestly say I'm glad to see you. Both of you."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows and rose from his throne and walked up to Will, poking him in the shoulder, as if testing how much meat he had on him. He ambled off, and Will called out, "Jack, it's me! Will Turner."

Jack, with a tall crown gifted from the cannibals, walked up to them and began talking in their native tongue. I had no idea how Jack knew their language, but I did not understand any bit of it, despite my usual proficiency. I picked up little words here and there, but I was stunned at Jack's sudden fluency. I slowly became agitated, as I continued to suspect that this was not Jack's first time on this island.

Will called out, "tell them to let me down!"

Jack continued to talk to them, but it sounded like, "eensy-weensy... eunuchy. Snip, snip."

The natives began murmuring, "eunuchy

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The natives began murmuring, "eunuchy."

I crossed my leg over the other and drummed my fingers jadedly on the armrest of my throne as I kept a weather eye on the situation. Will peered at Jack's belt as Jack began to walk away, disinterested. "Jack, the compass. That's all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you and Annette. She faces the gallows!"

Jack halted, paused, and turned to casually stroll back to the cannibals before making his elaborate request to them and finishing it with, "savvy?"

Jack walked over to Will and crouched down gently as he whispered, "save us."

The natives began chanting repetitively and Will asked, "Jack, what did you tell them?"

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The natives began chanting repetitively and Will asked, "Jack, what did you tell them?"

The natives started crowing and walked Will down to a rope bridge, still tied to the bamboo pole as Jack was walking back to his throne. Will yelled, "no! What about Elizabeth?! Jack!"

AN: if you were a pirate, where would you want to sail to?
I would want to sail to where the action is 😂 as long as it's warm

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