Chapter 9: We Have Our Heading

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It was still dark when we left the boisterous tavern and headed to the ship. We began boarding more livestock, fruits, rum, and water to accommodate our journey from the dock.

We were on our way to the ship when Pintel said something to me along the lines of, "I literally died." He was sprouting off about something to do with the Aztec Curse from last year, I think. I wasn't exactly paying attention.

But the word 'literally' stuck in my brain. I paused and let my eyes graze him up and down, because he looked literally alive to me. I said to him, "my deepest condolences. I'm very sorry to hear that. But if I were you, I'd get a second opinion. I think you might have survived."

Jack overheard and he said, "it's a figure of speech, darling."

I turned to him and said, "but isn't literally the complete opposite of figuratively?"

He took a sharp inhale and looked away from me as he answered, "yeah."

"English is so confusing."

He agreed, "yeah."

I sighed and said, "I cannot wait to get back on the boat. Believe it or not, I feel like I need a wash."

"I believe it," Jack mumbled.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "what was that?"

"What? Nothing."

"That's not what you said."

Suddenly, someone called out, "Captain Sparrow."

"Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard," Jack answered over his shoulder and we kept walking to the ship.

"I'm here to find the man I love," the person said. I turned around, recognizing the voice all too well. It was Elizabeth in men's clothes.

I smiled at her in a polite greeting, having not seen her in a year. We had bonded during our time being  marooned, but I would not willingly wish for her to accompany us. I enjoyed being her friend, but her lack of experience on a pirate ship put her at a disadvantage which fell upon the rest of us. I am sure she would feel the same way about me joining her for tea with the Governor. Our worlds were so different. I held a heavy box with an ample amount of fruit in my hands, preparing to board it on the ship but I did not want to leave the conversation.

Jack froze and his frozen facial expression of shock almost made me laugh, "I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea." He made a gesture toward Gibbs to not let her onto the ship.

"Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow," Elizabeth said apathetically

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"Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow," Elizabeth said apathetically.

Jack turned around and finally saw her face, "Elizabeth." He turned to Gibbs and quietly said, "hide the rum."


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