Chapter 5: Cannibal Island

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The cannibals continued to drum and chant around us, gifting Jack revolting jewelry made of big human toes, and they put a necklace around my neck of dried severed tongues. I grimaced with disgust and looked over at Jack, who bit off a piece of one of the toes' nail.

"Don't put that in your mouth," I whispered to him in disgust, and he spit out the unsavory nail but re-examined the toe

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"Don't put that in your mouth," I whispered to him in disgust, and he spit out the unsavory nail but re-examined the toe.

There were only a few words I understood confidently. Fi fi was 'fire', bugo was 'please', rah meant 'big', bal liki liki translated to 'Go', and maboogi snickle snickle was 'want more wood'. I figured that eunuchy snip-snip meant 'eunuch', and I naturally assumed that toute de suite was 'hurry'. Latazo was 'chief', and I had no idea what pe lala meant.

One of the cannibals was tossing small sticks into a pile, preparing for a fire as the rest of the tribe continued to dance and sing around him.

Jack stood up from his throne and ran over to him, "no, no. Oi! No, no."

I tilted my head contemptuously as the native paused as Jack yelled over the chanting, "more wood. Big fire! Big fire," and lifted his arms up to support his words, "I am chief. Want big fire! Come on."

The natives understood, and started adding larger blocks of wood to the pile. As they were distracted, Jack ran over to me and grabbed my arm, yanking me from my throne of sticks and whispered, "come on," as we ran for cover.

Moments later, the chanting stopped. Jack and I continued to run, sprinting down a rickety bridge made out of old rope, jungle vines, and wood. I attempted not to get thrown off by Jack's flailing arms.

We reached a cliff edge, and Jack tottered as he looked down.

"And now?" I asked, staring into the deep ravine below.

Jack looked around and noticed a hut. He appointed me as look out while he went inside. He asked, "what will you do if you see one? What is your plan of attack?"

I was too tired to think properly. I said, "I'm going to... hit him. He's going to... to... uh... fall on the..." I pointed to the ground because the name of it was slipping my mind.

"The ground," Jack stated.

"The ground... then... dun-dun," I finished with a sing-song voice.

"I like it. Simple, easy to remember. I'll be right out," he promised and disappeared into the hut.

I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath, and suddenly a large hand covered my mouth. I was scrambled to stand straight, trying to pry the hand off my mouth so I could yell out to Jack. I tried anyway, but my yells were muffled.

Jack walked outside of the hut, seeing me and the dozens of cannibals behind me. He was holding a rope and a can of paprika. His smile promptly disappeared and he said, "oh, bugger."

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