Chapter 7: The Flying Dutchman

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On the ship, we were just off shore in stormy weather. The waves were calm, but the sky was dark. I was looking off the side by Will, seeing a scuttle ship that we were drifting toward.

I did not know much about the Flying Dutchman or it's crew, or Davy Jones. My father was very particular about the spread of rumors of the paranormal on our ship, but after the Curse of the Black Pearl, there is not a lot that I do not believe in anymore.

"That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will asked while rain poured on us.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Aye. I can feel it in my braids," Jack stated.

I added skeptically, "he doesn't look like much."

"Ships are a she, darling, we've talked about this. And neither do you," Jack said, "do not underestimate her."

In the French language, boats and ships are masculine so I always found myself calling them he in English. It has been a year and Jack still always corrects me.

I noticed Jack look back at Gibbs meaningfully before elbowing him.

Gibbs immediately said, "must've run afoul of the reef."

"So, what's your plan, then?" Jack asked Will.

Will said agitatedly, "I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key."

"And if there are crewmen?" Jack asked.

"I cut down anyone in my path," Will answered bravely as he walked off.

Jack nodded, "I like it. Simple, easy to remember."

As Will climbed down to the longboat, Jack called out to him, "oi! If you do happened to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. It might save your life!"

Will rowed off into the waves toward the unassuming ship, with raining soaking him and just a lantern being his only source of light.

"Douse the lamps," Jack said to Gibbs ominously, who was obsequious to run off to do just that. The Black Pearl has a black hull and black sails, so without the light from the lamps, we were entirely invisible in the dark night. It was one of our many advantages. Soon, our entire ship was dark. I could only see the tiny speck of light that was Will, navigating his way to the ship.

"Mon gros, I don't have a good feeling about that ship," I said. Something just didn't seem right. "He— she's smaller and more... broken than I was imagining."

"I've been on 'er, that's her," Jack said, ignoring my comment.

"What if Will doesn't find the key?" I asked.

"He must," was all Jack said.

"It's not as if he has to drink the sea if he can't find it," I muttered.

Jack turned to me and asked, "what? Drink the sea?"


"Explain yourself, I'm having a little trouble following."

"You do not have this expression in English?" I asked.

"I think that answer is obvious."

I had to ponder a moment to think of the best translation. "Ce n'est pas la mer à boire. It's like saying it's not the end of the world, it's not a big deal."

"Ah." Jack nodded with understanding. "That's where you're wrong, Annie."

I frowned, "what do you mean?"

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