Chapter 10: Dead Man's Chest

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All night and day we sailed, and we had almost everyone scrubbing the decks, even Norrington. It was hard to recognize him without that prestigious white wig.

"Beckett?" Gibbs shouted as we were talking with Elizabeth and Jack by the helm. She was telling us how she found out that Lord Cutler Beckett signed with the East India Trading Company. Beckett was a name that had been coming up recently around the ship, infamous for his desire to kill everyone associated with piracy and rule the Seven Seas. His plan may seem absurd, but it is definitely plausible if he obtains the heart of Davy Jones.

Jack was looking at a paper, and gagged at the name.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word," Gibbs said, "Beckett wants the compass

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"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word," Gibbs said, "Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that."

"Of course," Jack said, "he wants the chest."

"He did say something about a chest," Elizabeth agreed.

"We should never have trusted that... terrien," I said.

"If The Company controls the chest, they control the sea," Gibbs said.

"A truly discomforting notion," Jack said, almost sounding detached.

"And bad," Gibbs added, "bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!" He yelled as he ran off.

"Set up a stern chaser!" I shouted, running down to the main deck to assist with Gibbs. "Haul wind, it's the only thing on our side against the Dutchman!"

Jack and Elizabeth stayed up by the helm, discussing the papers that Elizabeth had in her hands that Jack took and shoved into his coat. I continued to aggressively captain the ship as I noticed Elizabeth walk away, frustrated and leaned against the ships railing. Jack made a muffled scoff, and walked off. I didn't care enough to ask what that was about. Not my business.

However, what I was interested in were those papers that Jack and Elizabeth were fighting over. As Norrington was making his way to talk to Elizabeth, I walked up to the helm where Jack was standing and flat out asked, "what were those papers, Jack?"

"Nothing you need to concern your pretty little head about, love," he stated plainly.

I let out an audible exhale and I drummed my fingers on the wheel as I waited for him to answer. His face twitched as his eyes rolled to me, probably to see if I was still there. I raised my eyebrows and Jack finally said, "you are not going to let this go, are you?"

"No. No, I am not."

Jack sighed, then he turned to me and in a low voice he revealed, "they were letters of marque. All right?"

My eyes widened. "Oh."

"A full pardon in exchange of employment to England. Already signed by King George II himself."

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