t w e n t y - s i x

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The rest of the day drags as I don't see Malfoy or Luna all day. The only person in my classes that I knew was Harry and I didn't want to talk to him at all. Parkinson was is in my charms class and she just gave me evils all the way through.

After lessons finish I walk back to the dorm to have a shower and wash my hair. I'm surprised I can't smell the whisky or the Malfoy on me. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. He was just so captivating. I didn't know if it was just the sex getting to my head or it was me catching feelings for him. I hope it is just the sex talking. As much as I liked him, he was unattainable. He was a fantasy. He has probably slept with hundreds of girls and made them all fall for him with his stupid cheeky smile.

Tonight is going to be good I think to myself as I walk into the dorm room. I glance over at my bed and there is a piece of parchment laid on my pillow.

Meet me on the pitch at 7.

D.M. x

I smile at the little note. I look back over at his bed and his tie is left on the floor beside his dresser, his cloak is also draped over his trunk. He must be at practice. I bet he looks good in his quidditch uniform. The thought makes me blush. God what is wrong with me.

I open my trunk and look through all my clothes that are party appropriate. I have two dresses that I could wear. The first being a red tight dress with long lace sleeves which would cover the writing on my arm. Or an emerald green satin dress with string sleeves, which would mean I would have to wear a jacket.

The red dress was given to me for my sixteenth birthday from my mother. She had hoped that I would have had a party for my birthday, but she had found out about the drinking by this point so it was cancelled. The green one however was the dress I wore for my grandmothers birthday. She loved the colour green. She said that it bought out the colour of my eyes.

I throw the red one into my truck and find a bag to put my makeup and the dress inside. It was nearly five o'clock which meant that I had enough time to have a shower, get ready and eat before meeting Malfoy.


I jump out of the shower with a spring in my step. I was excited for the party. I hadn't been to a party in so long. I wonder what it is going to be like compared to muggle parties. The idea mixture of wizards and stolen alcohol could be a funny mix.

I brush my hair and hope that by the time we get to the pitch it would be dry. I grab my perfume and makeup bag from the bathroom and shove them into the bed along with the dress and my heeled boots.

I look over at the window and it is falling dark. I need to get out of here before Malfoy gets back. I look around and try and find a jacket that I can wear over the top of my dress. I look on the row of hooks on the bathroom door and see Malfoy's leather jacket. Would me wearing his jacket be hot? Or would it completely piss him off? I take the jacket from off the hook and throw it into the bag. I put on a large navy hoodie and my light wash jeans and I set off out of the dorm to the Ravenclaw Common Room.

I get to the end of one of the never ending corridors and Luna is standing there waiting for me. She is wearing a white flowy dress with along cardigan over the top of it. "Come on, Ivy." She says to me as I approach her . "I'm going to have to sneak you in. Ravenclaw's are not  too keen on Slytherins. No offence." She rambles on.

"Alright silly. How are we going to do this?" I question her as we reach the door of the Common Room.

"Hold my hand ." She instructs me. She then pulls out her wand and waves it in front of us while closing her eyes.

I grab onto her hand and close my eyes with her. I open my eyes and we are in a small bedroom with two single beds inside. The room is exactly the same as mine but much smaller and decorated in a navy blue colour.

"Let's hope nobody comes looking for me." She giggles.

I look over at bed which is closest to the door and it looks like nobody has even slept in it before. The dressers and the bedside table are collecting dust. "Do you not have a room mate?" I ask her.

"My room mate was a final year. The only other person that I could share a room with is one of the first years but they usually keep them together." She says as she sits down on her bed. "Are you going with anyone tonight?" She questions smiling at me .

"Malfoy." I say shyly knowing that the last time I spoke to her about Malfoy was when I was telling her about how much of a prick he is.

"Are you really?" She says shocked. "I thought you hated him."

"I need to tell you something. But you need to promise that you will not tell a soul okay?" I confide in her. I only really have one friend at Hogwarts and I wanted her to know about the crazy night I had.

"Spill it."

"So, you know about Malfoy cheating on Parkinson?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I thought he just kisses someone else and she broke down."

"It wasn't just a kiss. I may have kissed him somewhere else."

"Ivy you didn't did you!" She shouts at me. "You and Malfoy? I'd like to say I'm surprised but you can cut the tension between you two with a knife."

"That's not all either." I say sheepishly. "We also had sex at the top of the astrology tower."

Luna looks speechless. This sends me laughing as she looks so shocked at the words I have just said. "Your unbelievable." She says judging me.

"So was the sex." I laugh.

This sends her into a laughing fit with me as she lays back onto the bed uncontrollably laughing her head off. She then grabs one of the small pillows from off her bed and throws at me. "Just be careful, Ivy" She says after we both pull ourselves together.

"I will be careful. It's not like me and him are together or anything."

"Yes but you're forgetting that you're a pureblood. Don't get yourself caught up in the Malfoy Family." She warns me. "The Malfoy's are no joke."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'll explain later. We need to start getting ready."

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