t w e n t y

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His hold hand digs into my shoulder as he speaks. I look up at him and his blue eyes are glaring down at me. He takes his hand off of me and takes a seat next to Blaise. "What are we talking about?" He asks while resting his arms on the table.

"Astrology project." Blaise answers while looking down. He really was scared of Malfoy. He  couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Don't mind if I cut in do you, mate?" Malfoy says while putting his hand on Blaise's shoulder.

"Yeah actually. We do Malfoy. Get lost." Ron says.

Malfoy turns and looks at Ron. He laughs and smiles at him. "Come on, Weaselby. I'm just being friendly." He says while glancing over at Harry.

"Maybe a bit too friendly, Malfoy." Ron replies while looking over at me. If Ron knows then that means half of the school probably knows. Just my luck.

"Getting jealous are we Weaselby? Guessing Grainger has a competition on her hands." Malfoy smirks.

"Don't push me, Malfoy. Talk about her again." Ron threatens. Ron looked at Malfoy like he wanted to kill him.

"Or what?"

Malfoy's words only make Ron angrier. Blaise is still looking down at the floor and avoiding eye contact with any of us at the table.

"Come on Ron. His not worth it. Let's get out of here." Harry sighs. "You coming, Ivy?"

"So it's Potter that wants you then?" Malfoy says while looking across at me. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Not everyone wants what's yours, Malfoy." Harry snaps back. "Oh. I forgot. She isn't yours is she?"

I stand up from my seat and look straight at Harry. "I belong to no one." I say and then look over at Malfoy who is smirking at me. I grab a sandwich from the table and turn to walk away.

"Oh I love it when she gets angry." I hear Malfoy say as I am walking out of the Hall. I can feel his eyes looking me up and down as I walk away.

I stick my middle finger up at him as I walk away from him and glance over my shoulder to see if he noticed.

"That's right, sexy. Walk away." He says.

The next thing I hear is something being thrown across the room. I turn and find Malfoy covered in mashed potatoes and Harry stood up. "Leave her alone or next time it will be cauldron being thrown at your head." Harry and Ron then stand up and walk away in the other direction.

Can't believe Malfoy just got mashed. I start to laugh at the joke in my head. Shame, the potatoes deserved better than to be wasted on him.

I carry on walking away out of the hall. By this point I was in giggles. The thought of Malfoy as a potato sent me over the edge.

"Was it that funny?" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn and it's Harry.

"You really did put him on his arse." I reply.

"I'm a man of my word." He says walking closer to me. "Besides, you shouldn't talk to a woman like that. He deserved it."

There was something about him that was so captivating. I couldn't tell if it was his blue eyes or the power of his magic. But I couldn't help but flirt with him. But I couldn't. I should really be on Malfoy's side to say he didn't leave me on the floor while I was passed out. He can be an arse but he does have a soft side.

"I guess so. He has been taking care of me while I was poorly though." I reply.

"He has a heart. I'm shocked." Harry replies while getting even closer to me. "Are you saying that because you feel bad or because you like him?" He questions.

"I don't like him. I tolerate him. There's a difference." I snap back. "Why would you think that anyways?" I pry.

"I know what happened in detention, Ivy. The guy is bad news." He sighs.

"It was nothing. Things got out of hand. Besides it's not like it's gonna happen again." I huff. Why was I explaining myself to him?

"Choice words." He giggles. He knows the whole story. Fuck.

"Who told you?" I question. "I only told Parkinson that we kissed." I can feel my angry growing inside of me again.

"Who do you think told me? Malfoy hasn't shut up about it all day."

The fucker. All day? It's bad enough half of the school knowing that I kissed him never mind blowing him. "Oh fuck this." I say and turn around back into the Hall. Who the hell does Malfoy think he is.

I get to the doors of the Hall and I see Malfoy sat at the table wiping mash off of his face. Blaise has disappeared, probably to get Malfoy a different shirt.

I start to walk in and Blaise returns with a new shirt. "Thanks." Malfoy says to him while snatching the shirt out of his hands. "Now get lost." He snaps. His voice is deep and husky as he speaks. Harry must have really pissed him off.

Malfoy unbuttons his black shirt and pulls it off himself. I had forgotten how sexy his body was. The shadow of the light show off his abs. I catch myself staring at him wide eyed. He is so good looking. I can't help myself.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." I hear from behind me. I turn around and see two tall ginger haired boys standing behind me. They were twins. "So your the Slytherin causing all the trouble." The one on the left said.

"I beg your pardon? Since when is that any of your business?" I snap.

"Yep it's her." The one on the right says while smirking. "Look we have a friend that likes you."

"And his too much of a pussy to say it to your face." The one on the left says.

"Let me guess. His got brown hair and blue eyes?" I reply to them both.

"Alright cleaver clogs." They both say at the same time.

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