♠️ 乃卂Ҝㄩ 💋

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♟💄 𝒻u℃кᵉ𝐃 Ỗᵛє𝔯 ♟♠

    As the door opened, you shrunk back into chair in which Katsuki had tied you to about one month ago. You closed your eyes as the perpetrator shut the door and stomped his way down the rickety stairs. His footsteps get angrier with each stomp down towards you.

"So many cops, so many cops!" His growly voice is low and quivering. You can hear him pacing back and forth in the dimly lit basement. "I..went..to your old house.. I was gonna pick up some of your blankets to bring here, but.. there were.. so.. many..fucking cops."

He slowly walks towards the chair you are rested in, dropping to your level and picking up your chin. He stares into your dull but puffy and red eyes. They were obviously strained from the amount of crying.. But, who could blame you? It's not like you had anything else to do. You were in a constant state of starvation, abuse, and you were being held captive by someone you had once called a friend.

Katsuki caressed your cheek as you avoided his eyes, he leaned in to kiss your boney and bruised cheek. He look up once more to view your face, the most attractive sight he had ever seen, when he had seen something his eyes would refuse to see before.

Bruises. So many bruises.

They aligned your cheeks-- there was an abundance of them on your neck. Dried blood under your nose, scars, your cheeks were glossy from the salty tears you had licked away. Katsuki Bakugou had been locking you under his house in complete darkness and slowly torturing you without even knowing it. The bruises and scars shouldn't have been a surprise, but Katsuki's delusional mind wouldn't let him see them. He obviously knew that he had been hurting you when he had beat you, but why didn't he notice.. He was torturing the only person he had ever truly loved. Not just physically, but mentally, as well.

And now, it had gotten to the extreme. Your eyes were dull. You were, to put it simply, a broken doll. Your paler-than-usual skin had made Katsuki sick to his stomach.

"Jesus fucking christ.. What am I doing?" He leaned into your skinny shoulder with wide, strained eyes. The sudden touch from the man had made you shiver. "Y/n.. God damnit, Y/n, why.. why must you fucking do this to me? I hate you, goddamnit." He pulled away from your cold surface and looked into your dull eyes with his red ones.

"I absolutely fucking hate you.. But, I feel like I'll die if I don't have you all to myself. I know I'm selfish, but I need you!" His voice begins to crack, and his face contorts into one of pain. "It hurts for me, too, you know! I just want this feeling to go away!" He wraps his arms around his head and grips his hair, hard. He shuts his eyes to stop the tears growing.

"The pain of knowing what type of monster I am! You know how guilty I feel when I'm forced to go on search parties looking for you with the rest of the class? I see those damn extras crying about how much they miss you, but I'm selfish! Fuck! I want to scream and stab myself, but then I know I won't be able to have you!"

The boy cries into himself. He grips his hands and chokes on his words. His eyes then widen with a sudden realization.

"Maybe If I had just held all this.. insanity to myself and pretended to be normal, then you'd still love me.. God, but then I wouldn't get you all to myself.. But you'd still love me back.."

"FUCK! I want you to go back to the way you were before, but to be only mine! But that's not possible, because who could stay completely normal when they get kidnapped?"

"Maybe.. if I kill you.. this damn feeling will go away!"

"But then I won't get to see your smile."


"GOD, KILL ME! GET THIS FEELING OUT OF MY HEAD! I HATE YOU, Y/N, BUT YOU'RE MINE!" Katsuki screamed as he threw his head back and gripped the skin on his neck.

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