it's fake, isn't it? - bakugou katsuki

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gorey talk, angst, ajnkgrirnce, he picks u up

    "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real," you whimpered, clutching your head as the tears dripped down your cheeks, "It's all fake!"

    The tiles of the bathroom floor had never felt so cold.

    "Why? Why did it have to be me? Why couldn't it have been someone he liked?" You questioned to no one but yourself. Your quivering voice echoed throughout the chamber.

    "Baby, what's taking so long?" You heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend ask from outside the bathroom.

    "Noth- Nothing, babe!" you quickly lift your head and change your tone, quivering with an obviously nervous stutter. You attempt to sound composed, but you just come off sounding shaken, "I'm almost done just- just give me a second."

    "Of course, love. Anything you need," Katsuki spoke. His loving tone disgusted you; you knew it wasn't really him.

    You sighed and stood up, ready to fix your face and face your boyfriend again.

    "Are you sure you're okay, though?"

    "I'm said fine, Bakugou. Please, just leave me alone," you spout. You both paused at your tone. You knew he hated it when you addressed him formally, especially when you were angry.

    God forbid you get angry at him

    Katsuki would cry for days.

    "I'm coming in," Katsuki said abruptly. Your eyes widened.

    "Katsuki, please, please don't-" You quickly stood up, attempting to barricade the door with your body. Unfortunately, Katsuki's hero body was much stronger than your house-spouse self.

    The door fell open as he pushed his way through. He's shirtless and in sweatpants, plus holding his clean clothes so he was probably waiting to shower. He spotted you on the ground, his vermillion eyes quickly making their way to your tear gleaming face.

    He hastily dropped to his knees and pressed his cold palms against your warm cheeks, his eyes were wide and fear stricken.

    "Holy shit, what's wrong? Did you hurt yourself- are you okay?"

    "Go away, Bakugou, go away!" You spitefully cried, the tears beginning to flood faster.

    "What's wrong?" He carefully examined you. He noticed your reluctance to speak, "Tell me, Y/n, please."

    "Shut up," you said, looking down. "You're not you, Katsuki." 

    "What are you saying? Of course, I'm me."

    "I mean you're not how you're supposed to be, Katsuki!" You finally look back up at him, staring him down with a stern expression. His face contorted into one similar to that of a kicked puppy, "You're.. not supposed to be nice!"

    You breathe heavily, staring deep into Katsuki's cherry eyes.

    "You're not supposed to love me," and with that, you stand up and storm out of the restroom, stepping into you and Katsuki's shared bedroom. Katsuki follows you out, not letting up. His confusion only raises with your apprehension.

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