Part 17

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You reached home by evening. Jimin sent you to take some rest after a long tiring day. After an hour of sleep you woke up at dinner time. Walking to the living room you noticed that Jimin was nowhere to be seen inside the house but you knew where he exactly was...

Walking towards the lawn you saw Jimin sitting on a reclining chair. You smiled to yourself before joining him. You sat between his legs resting your head on his chest, his hands wrapped around your waist securely. Both of you were gazing at the stars now.

"Omo! She is kicking.." Jimin placed his hands on your tummy, feeling the baby kick. "Wanna come out soon huh?" Jimin giggled, while you were busy admiring his adorable face from the corner your eyes. "Jimin...can you promise me few things." You asked him, looking back at the stars and he hummed is response.

"You asked me why have I brought so many clothes ryt?" You entwined your fingers with him.

"I want you to gift her those clothes on her every birthday behalf of me.."


Both of you felt knots forming in your throats...

"Can you tell her that I loved her very much behalf of me..."


Tears were forming in both of your eyes...

"Promise me you will take care of yourself and stay happy..."


Both of you were facing a stinging pain in your heart..

"Jimin...w-when I die...bury me right under that cherry blossom that I can always be with you guys.."


You looked at Jimin only to see his cheeks drained with tears. "J-Jimin. I'm s-sorry" You cupped his face and he pulled you to a never ending kiss. Your tears never stopped from flowing. You wanted to live your life so badly but God was too jealous to see you having a happy life.

2 months later**
"Its very critical condition Mr and Mrs Park. Its better if we do the surgery soon or it might affect the baby." Cara said in the most disappointing voice. You nodded before looking at Jimin's worried face. "Ok then I'll arrange for the surgery. It might take few hours, you can get ready by that time." Cara hugged you before leaving you and Jimin alone.

You smiled at Jimin before going to the washroom and changing. Jimin felt something might go wrong today. He was afraid that he won't be able to see you again after today. His mind was filled with negative thoughts.

His thoughts were interrupted by your small tap on his shoulders. You found him crying again. "I'm-s-scared" his voice came out shaky which cracked your heart. "Jimin I love you.." you hugged him. "Please don't s-say that..Please d-don't l-leave me." He finds difficult to form words as he starts sobbing gripping you tightly.

You felt your head throbbing hard this time. The pain was becoming unbearable but you managed to not show it as it would worry him.

"J-Jimin you p-promised m-me to s-stay happy r-right? Now do-don't cry." You let out a sad chuckle. "Bold of y-you to think that I-I can stay happy wi-without you!" He sobs. "Jimin if you cry like this then it's gonna be hard for me to die.." you slammed his chest lightly.

"Then p-please come b-back healthy. I want to s-stay f-forever with you. You c-can't leave s-so soon." His tears didn't stop. "I w-want to s-stay with you m-more than a-anything else. I'm sorry J-Jimin. I love you." You cupped his cheeks before pecking his lips.

Cara who was standing out, hearing your conversation broke down into tears. Wiping her tears she knocked before coming inside. "Shall we get going?" She asks and you nodded before looking at Jimin.

"Remember the promises you made okay? Take care of yourself and the baby too. Stay healthy and Jimin....I love you." You hugged him for the last time before going towards Cara. You felt that this was the last hug you had given him.

Cara gave you a big hug before leading you and Jimin towards the operation theater. "I'm sorry but you will have to wait outside Mr Park." Cara said looking at Jimin. "I love you." He hugs you and kisses your forehead before letting you go but you didn't nudge.

That's the last thing you heard before loosing your sense....

He felt your hands loosen its grip from his and he pulls you back holding your shoulders only to find you unconscious and your nose was bleeding.

Both his and Cara's eyes widened and both of you panicked. Cara rushed inside the operating room before getting the stretcher and informing the other doctors.
Jimin was frozen like ice. Jin came running towards him rubbing his back trying to calm him down as he was a crying hell.

3 hours later**
Jimin sat next to Jin holding his arm. His legs were jiggling up and down out of anxiety, fear, tension, while Jimin kept rubbing his back. Jimin's heart was beating like never before and the tears never stopped flowing.

Cara came out of the operation theater with the most disappointed face as her face had turned red because of all the crying. "I-Im s-sorry M-Mr.Park, the i-internal b-bleeding in her b-brain i-increased, w-we tried o-our b-best but...c-couldn't s-save y/n.. the baby is healthy. We shifted them to the ward. " She sobbed but later wiped her tears while informing the last sentence.

Jimin felt the whole world falling apart. He felt his heart skipped beating for a moment, he couldn't hear any noise from the surroundings. Only your face flashed in his mind. He wasn't yet ready to let you go. He felt like dying with you but his ears were perked by the sound of his little daughter crying. His fear had come true....

You were no more...

"Can I see them?" Jimin asks Cara, who nods and tellshim the direction. After entering inside the ward he walked towards the cradle and found his cute little princess wrapped up with a soft blue cloth to keep her warm.

He gently picked her up in his arms and his eyes rambled around her face and a soft smile appeared on his face. "You look just like your mother." His voice came out muffled and he plants a soft kiss on her head before placing her gently back in the cradle.

He walks towards the fowler's bed where your body was completely covered with a white sheet. He pulls down the sheet and looks at your peacefully forever sleeping face. You were in deep slumber....

His heart breaks into millions of pieces.

He looks at those lips 'which once used to smile beautifully'

He looks at those closed eyes 'which once used to twinkle like stars'

He finally looks at your beautiful face 'which once used to laugh, giggle, pout, frown, scoff, bicker, cry, talk nonstop' was now blank.

Not able to control himself he kissed that forehead of yours and murmured under his breath.

"Rest in peace my love".


Anyone crying out there?😢

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