6. Kill All Your Friends

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Lindsey sat up from laying at an almost forty-five degree angle against me, her body cracking in an unpleasant way, I hoped she was okay. 

She reached into her jacket

"Listen, I gotta go . . ." I said in a raspy voice, looking over as she took a pen from her inner pocket.

"Me too." And suddenly she had my arm, pulling back my sleeve.

I opened my mouth to question the dark-haired girl, but stopped with sleepy realisation as Lindsey began to write a string of digits down my forearm.

"Call me, okay? You have to promise!" Lindsey beamed at me as I pulled down my sleeve, nodding at her.

"Thanks again, I'll call you."

"I felt very safe and . . . comfortable in your arms," Lindsey whispered, biting her lip and looking straight at me. We inched toward each other.

I bit my lip, looking at hers before moving closer and closer to the point where our lips met in the middle. Her lips were so soft and warm. I was stiff at first, I didn't know we were going to kiss, but I forced myself to loosen up. 

She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. I gently held her face in my hands, then trailing down to her waist.

A few seconds later, Lindsey was on her back and I was on top of her, kissing and kissing.

Talk about a dream come true . . .

I gently pulled away and felt wrong. "Was that too fast?" 

"Not at all." She said pulling me in for another deep kiss. "But I do think we should head back before anyone thinks we're having sex or something." She giggled.

"Hmm . . . Maybe we would've gotten mugged or something for them to be worried about, but having sex wasn't on my mind. It definitely is now." I said with a smirk. 

Did I really just say that out loud? Fuck, now I just looked like I was horny all the time.

Lindsey just laughed, pressing her lips to my cheek in a quick but gentle kiss. "See ya later, Gee." It almost looked like she was blushing.

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