11. Mastermind

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!! leave comments plz it helps me out :) !!

Gerard's POV:

"It's getting late," Lindsey yawned.

The guys hadn't come back yet and Lindsey was wrapped in my arms as we snuggled together on the couch. I didn't want her to go.

"You can stay here with me, if you like . . . In my bunk?" I winked, causing her to blush a rosy pink colour.

She moved closer, nuzzling up against my neck, and tenderly kissing my soft spot. "I wish I could Gee, but you and me both have big sets tomorrow." She smiled up at me. "You know that."

I sighed, the downside of life on tour.

I knew I was being a little selfish, but I couldn't help myself. Lindsey and I had only been dating for a short time, but it felt like so much longer and I wanted to spend all my time with her. I blamed that again on the tour - everyday felt like a week when you never got the chance to rest.

"I have an idea!" She grinned mischievously.

Knowing Lindsey, this could be anything. She was totally crazy and wild.

"You got sharpies?"

"I have a sharpie around here somewhere . . . Ohh!"

A small moan escaped my lips as Lindsey leaned over and kissed me hard, pulling at my messy hair.

She just giggled. "Well, I was thinking I could write little messages on your neck," She sat up, talking more excitedly now.

"And then I write the other half on yours?" I questioned, liking the idea.

She nodded, confirming my theory. "Or our arms or wrists. You know, so we can always be together."

"I think that's a great idea." I kissed her cheek.

*the next day*

I knocked on the door of Lindsey's bus and my heart was beating like fucking crazy, she wanted to watch my band play and I couldn't be happier to have her there. I had to admit, knowing she would be standing at the side of the stage boosted my confidence millions.

Suddenly Jimmy threw the door open, a strong smell of popcorn and cigarettes rolling from the bus. Not that bad, honestly.

"Oh hey, Gerard!" He greeted me dressed in a pink tutu, a fishnet top, clutching his sparkly fairy wings with both hands.

"Hey Jimmy," I looked down with a slight chuckle. "Nice wings."

Jimmy was an old friend. We had met when my band had opened for his back in 2003, and we had stayed good friends ever since.

"Why thank you, good sir!" He said with a fake English accent.

He held up one finger, signaling for me to wait as he walked back into the bus.

"Lindsey! Your fuckin' girlfriend is here!" He screamed.

"Shut the fuck up Jimmy!" She screamed back. I couldn't help but laugh.

Lindsey swiftly hopped off the bus, practically jumping into my arms, giving me a big hug.

Lindsey was wearing her signature school-girl outfit, a plaid skirt and cute pigtails. On her lips, a deep red colour, my favourite on her.

We said out goodbyes and headed for the main stage.

"He's just completely insane!" She laughed, shaking her head.

"And what would possibly make you think that?" I teased and we laughed together.

We slowed our walking pace little by little, stop entirely after a few seconds.

I pulled the sharpie from my pocket and saw her eyes light up. "You remembered!"

I nodded. "Of course, how could I forget?"

We both wrote messages on each other, I wrote 'IN LOVE' on her arm and she wrote '100%' on the side of my neck.

I stared into Lindsey's dark eyes as she stared back into mine. She slowly moved her hands to the side of my face, kissing me deeply. I kissed back, feeling her push me back a little on my feet. She pulled away and hugged me tightly.

"I've wanted to do that all morning." She whispered, as I caught my breath. I chuckled.

"Me too . . ." I was cut off by her questionable expression.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, becoming a little self-conscious.

"You've got some lipstick on you, sweetheart." She said, inching closer to wipe it away. I watched her wipe the red away from my lips, her eyes sparkling.

"Yours is a little fucky too," I pointed out, repeating the wiping motion and giving her a peck on the lips once I was done.

But I wiped my mouth on my sleeve, just to be safe.

"You've got insanely soft lips." I commented. She laughed again as her face reddened. "Like little coloured clouds."

"Chapstick and good genes, I guess." She said with a shrug and a warm smile.

(AN: thank you for all the nice comments <3 )

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