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The night before the field trip for Tommy's class, Tommy found Kaya in the bedroom reading the book in the new time period. Tommy knocked on the door to get his sister's attention. Kaya looked up after pausing her reading.

"Hey, Kaya. Do you want to go on the field trip with me tomorrow?" Tommy asked.

"No thanks. Billy is taking me out on the date for the first time in many years since I disappeared," Kaya said.

"Ah. So that's why Billy was asking me about permission to date you," Tommy said.

Kaya looked surprised as she looked at her older brother.

"He did?!" Kaya exclaimed.

"Yeah. If you haven't disappeared, you and Billy would get married just before getting out of high school," Tommy said.

Kaya nodded knowing if she never disappeared, she would already marry Billy and have kids with him.

"True but if we haven't become Power Ranger in the first place. We wouldn't have met them at all," Kaya said.

"Yeah," Tommy said.

Kaya yawned as she rubs her eyes.

"Well, I am going to bed. So, good night big brother," Kaya said.

"Good night, little sis," Tommy said.

The next day, Kaya waits for Billy to pick her up at the house. Kaya was thinking about the future since she could not return to her time period. She heard the doorbell rings so she got up and walked to the door. Kaya opens the door to see Billy standing there.

"Hey, Kaya," Billy greeted.

"Hi, Billy," Kaya said.

"You ready to go?" Billy asked.

"Yes. Where are we going?" Kaya asked.

"I figure you want to go to Angel Grove for the date," Billy said.

Kaya nodded, "But it's only a couple hours away from here."

"I know but for today, the date will be in Reefside until I figure it out for the next date," Billy said.

"Ok, Billy," Kaya said.

Billy hands out his hand to her. Kaya took Billy's hand and walked to the car. They walked to the car until Billy opens the passenger side to let Kaya go in. Kaya got into the passenger side. Billy close the door and went to the driver's side and got in. Billy started the car and drove to the town. 

When Billy and Kaya got to Reefside, Billy drove to the restaurant and park in the parking lot. Billy stops the car and got out. Kaya also got out of the car, too. Billy walked over to her and take her hand.

"This restaurant?" Kaya asked.

"Yes," Billy said.

Kaya and Billy walked into the restaurant and the host greets them. The host took them to the table. Kaya and Billy sit down at the table. They look at the menu as the waiter came to the table and took their order. Once the waiter left with their orders, Kaya looked at Billy.

"Billy, you know this is my very first date," Kaya said.

"I know. It's also my first date, too," Billy said.

Kaya looked surprised. She figures that Billy may have dated other women after her disappearance but she was proved wrong. Billy saw her surprised face and gave her small smiles.

"I couldn't date other girls. It just doesn't feel right. Before you ask, yes I did try to date but I step back out," Billy said.

"Oh, so you felt you would rather be single than going on the date," Kaya said.

"Yeah. But only one person I would date is you," Billy said.

"Billy..." Kaya murmured.

They continued talking random even bringing up the days of early Power Rangers but they used the code color to avoid having people figure out who they are. Kaya giggled when hearing some of the stories about Tommy when he was Mighty Morphin White Ranger. They talk for at least a couple of hours even their meals came so they ate while talking.

After a couple of hours, Billy brought Kaya back to the house. Billy kiss on Kaya's lips and Kaya kissed back.

"I did have a good time," Kaya said.

"I'm glad you did. So, do I," Billy smiled.

Kaya nodded smiling at Billy.

"I'll see you later wolf boy," Kaya said.

"Later tiger girl," Billy said.

Billy left the place to go back to his place. Kaya smiled having a good time and did enjoy her first date with Billy. Kaya went into the house and went to the Dino Lab to see Tommy cheered cause her too confused.

"Huh?" Kaya said.

Tommy turns around to see his sister.

"Hey, sis. We won another battle," Tommy said.

"Ah," Kaya said.

"So, did you have a good time with the date?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, I did," Kaya smiled.

"That's great," Tommy said as he hugged Kaya.

Kaya hugged back.

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