Bully for Ethan

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Kaya was looking at the stuff and did come to cross the pictures as she smiled softly looking at one of the pictures. Then Kira drops the stuff on the table. Both Tommy and Kaya looked at Kira.

"No offense, Dr. O, but you need some serious improvement when it comes to organization," Kira said looking at Tommy's stuff.

"That's why you're here," Tommy said as he put his hand on Kira's shoulder, "Thanks for helping me out."

"What is all this stuff, anyway?" Kira asked.

"Odds and ends. Mostly from before I joined up with Mercer. I thought, as long as I'm stuck in my Ranger form, I may as well put the time to good use," Tommy explained.

Kira saw the picture of the younger Tommy in his long hair. Kaya glanced at the picture and smiled softly.

"Wow. Nice hair," Kira commented.

"Hey, it was in the style back then," Tommy said.

"Tommy's right. I even braided his hair," Kara smirked remembering how Tommy always complaining.

"Sis!" Tommy whined.

"Is that true you braided his hair?" Kira asked as she was surprised to hear that.

"Mhm," Kaya said.

Tommy whined in embarrassment as he took the picture of his friends and himself in the helmetless ranger suits. Kira giggled softly before seeing another picture of Tommy, Anton, and the man.

"Is this who I think it is?" Kira asked.

Tommy looked at the picture.

"Man, that seems like a lifetime ago. This picture was taken at our first dig," Tommy said.

"So who's that guy?" Kaya asked as she looked at the picture.

"His name's Terrence Smith. Everyone called him Smitty," Tommy said.

Kaya got a weird feeling that Smitty is someone they know but for some reason, she couldn't think who and why it seems familiar to her.

"What happened to him?" Kira asked.

"It's kind of sad, really. He and I were up for the same job at Anton Mercer Industries. Anton chose me, so Smitty went to work for another company. Then there was this accident," Tommy said.

"Not really a happy family memento," Kira said.

"I'm not even sure where it came from. Just put it over there in that trash pile," Tommy said pointing at the pile of stuff that is going to be in the trash.

"Ok," Kira said as she put the picture into the pile of trash.

Kira, Tommy, and Kaya continued cleaning up the stuff before Kira left for the school. Kaya didn't go into the school as she is staying with Tommy and doing some chores like cleaning and buying some groceries. It would be in the afternoon when Connor came in as Kaya was putting the food away. Connor sees Kaya in the kitchen and decided to grabs some snacks. Kaya turns around to see Connor was about to take the snack.


Connor froze and steps away from the angry Kaya and ran to the Dino Lab. Kaya smirked seeing that Connor is afraid to get on her bad side so she grabs a snack and went to the Dino Lab. Tommy has heard Kaya yelling at Connor and sees his student ran in.

"Dr. O, your sister is one mean female," Connor said.

"I heard that Connor," Kaya said as she walked down the steps.

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