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"Liz, stop sulking," Ariana groans as her best friends continues wallowing into the cushions of her dressing room couch. "Let's do a Rent karaoke!"

"Not really in the mood," she sighs.

Liz wasn't in the mood to do absolutely anything but she still managed to go to work. No matter how bad she felt, she always tried to be as professional as possible. It was one of the many things being in theatre taught her.

She's been feeling all sorts of ignored and neglected by Avan. So far, he's missed two of their Saturday movie nights. They haven't been hanging out with each other as much as they used to. It was petty reasoning, she knew, but she couldn't help but feel that way. Avan is her boy best friend and she may or may not be harboring feelings for him. He always snuggled with her and was as sweet as honey but he never gave her the reassurance of mutual feelings.

"Okay," Ariana pouts. "Let's just go outside then. Come on."

She was dragged by the hand to stand up by her significantly smaller friend which really came to show how down Liz was feeling. Her forearm was draped over one of Ari's shoulders to make it easier for the faux redhead to tow her along. Her footsteps were heavy and loud, not only because of the heavy Doc Martens she was wearing. Ariana felt like she was dragging a sack of rocks along with her.

As Liz plopped down on one of the mono-block chairs by their designated set for the next scene, she immediately regretted it. Right before her eyes were Avan and Victoria goofing around the Hollywood Arts hallway set. She was running towards him at full speed and once he was right in front of her, she jumps into his arms and wraps her legs around his waist. Avan, then, dips her low, making her brunette locks fly all over the place.

Liz frowned. Casual dipping is their thing, or at least she thought it was. She stayed silent as not to draw any attention to herself which was unusual behavior for her since she was always such a big presence.

"Hi, Avan!" Ari waves at him.

She internally curses her best friend.

Avan jogs towards the two girls, Vic trailing behind him. The two seemed to always be together and the very thought of it upsets Liz. She and Avan were supposed to be the ones attached at the hip, not them.

"Heya!" he greets, smiling brightly.

"I don't feel well. Excuse me," she mumbles before strutting out of the set and towards her dressing room.

The three teenagers exchanged a quizzical look. Liz was never one to retreat to her dressing room when her friends were around, not even when she felt ill.

"Is she okay?" Vic asks, genuinely concerned.

"I'll go check on her," Ari nods.

Avan holds her back, "No, I'll go. You guys stay here. It's your scene next."

The girls nod as Avan speed-walked his way to Liz's dressing room. He doesn't even bother knocking because the door was slightly agape. He just walks in and closes the door softly behind him.

He finds Liz sagging against the couch with her lips curled down and a pillow on her lap.

"You feeling alright?" he queries, feeling her forehead to see if she was warm.

Liz pries his hand off of her and scoots away a little from him.

"What's wrong, Mcgillz?"


"But you said you weren't feeling well," he furrows his eyebrows.

"I'm okay. You can go."

"You're clearly not okay," he huffs. "Are you sick?"

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