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People often say to leave the past where it is. Do not look back at your past and move on with your life. But like all rules, this one has its exceptions. The past is such a wonder to look back at when it's filled with the happy days spent with the one you love most.

Looking back is like going through a photo album for Liz. Obviously, her past with Avan isn't all just rainbows and sparkles. There were moments when the going got tough and the storms raged, but they've done such a good job with their relationship. Every time she looked back, she would only remember the tenderness and the joy. She could only ever recall his gentle caress and his kind words.


He takes out the single airpod that was inserted into his right ear and swivels his chair to face his long-term girlfriend. She stood there with her hair cascading down her back and dressed in his shirt. The clothing only dropped to cover her mid-thigh, but there was something so celestial about her.

Avan didn't get the chance to reply as Liz sits on his lap and wraps her arms around him. She clung to him like a koala, burying her face in his neck. Being that physical touch wasn't really Liz's love language, this gesture surprised him.

"Liz," he gently coos. "What's up?"

"Nothing," she mumbles almost incoherently against the skin of his neck. "I just love you so much."

"What?" he chuckles softly.

"I just love you so much, that's all."

Her words make him smile. His attention was completely taken away from his computer to the lover in his arms. She was one of the very few things that could really keep his attention.

"I love you so much, too," he presses his lips against the side of her head affectionately. "And you're sure that you're okay?"

She nods.

"Are you feeling sad?"

She shakes her head.

"Why..." his voice trails, not knowing how to word his question without offending her in any way possible, "why are you hugging me?"

"Because I wanted a hug," she shrugs, adjusting her head so it was still on his shoulder but no longer pressed so tightly against his neck.

Avan smiles again and bends his neck down to press his lips against her face. He proceeds to pepper light, affectionate kisses on the parts of her face that he could access, not really knowing what to do or say.


"Mm?" he raises his eyebrows.

"I'm really thankful for you, you know that?"

"Baby," he chuckles slightly as heat crawls against the tips of his ears, "you are?"

She nods.

"Well, I'm grateful for you too," he presses a swift kiss against her lips.

"No, no, you don't get it like I'm so grateful for you," she gently traps his chin between her pointer finger and her thumb. "Not everyone can look back at their past with their partner and say 'wow, I'm really happy that happened', but because of you, I can."

"You're gonna make me cry," he laughs. "Baby, it's like 2 p.m."

Avan hugs her closer to him if that were even possible and rests his cheek against her forehead. He starts to move his chair as if to rock the woman in his arms. His eyes close peacefully while he relished in the feeling of being able to hold her like she was the world.

"Baby," he spoke up silently.


"Do you remember when we first met?"

"I was 15 and you were 16," she nods.

"You were a bit mean," he snorts, "but somehow still the prettiest girl I have ever seen."

"You looked like a stick with lots of hair," she chortles.

"Gee, thanks, Liz," he rolls his eyes playfully.

Liz gently kisses the skin of his neck as if to make up for her comment.

"You were wearing a blue dress without sleeves and your hair was its natural dark brown. You didn't tie it up and you only had lip gloss on," he recites almost like it had only happened yesterday.

"How do you still remember that?"

"I met the love of my life like that, baby. How could I not remember?"

"You're such a sap," she mumbles against his skin.

Avan only smiles and kisses the side of her forehead once more. His hand creeps lower down her body and grips on her waist snugly.

"Have I ever told you of the first time I realized I love you?" he asks, resting his cheek on her forehead again.

"No, I don't think so."

"I was 18," he chuckles as the memory comes to him. "And you just turned 17 so I couldn't really tell you because then it would be illegal."

She rolls her eyes.

"You had this interview thing going on with Matt and you guys told Ari to come with. I really wanted to ask if I could come too, but of course I didn't."

"Why not?"

"I was too shy," he shrugs. "And you guys were joking around and telling me to go away. It was really funny at first and then, you told me to go away and my brain did a funny thing and I sorta got hurt by that, ridiculous I know."

"Aww, baby," she coos patronizingly.

"I kinda thought to myself that I never really wanted to be apart from you, y'know, like I wanted to be with you so bad. Then, a few days after that we went to watch a movie, remember?"


"And I faked a proposal to you."

She nods, smiling at the thought.

"And I thought to myself 'hey, wouldn't it be so cool if this were real?'. Lo and behold, I found myself really wanting that to happen, babe, and I was 18."

"So, you had the intention of marrying me even long before I told you I liked you back?" she raises her head from his shoulder and looks at him square in the eye.

"Yeah," he nods.

"But you were 18 and I wasn't even legal yet."

"I know, but I was willing to wait," he shrugs. "I still am."

"I fucking love you."

He breathes a laugh through his nose and gently reels her in for a kiss.

"I fucking love you too."

A boyfriend. Is that too much to ask for? I think not. N e way

Question: what is your favorite vegetable?

broccoli i love that ish

Hope you enjoyed this. Don't be afraid to comment down your thoughts. Lots of love! Be kind, y'all!

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