Showbiz Baby

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It was no supernatural happening when people would turn their heads when Avan Jogia would pass by. The man is eye candy to say the very least, and he had an air to him that just drew people in. Today, however, people just straight up zeroed in on him as he walked into the current set of the series he was filming-- Now Apocalypse .  Or at least that's how it felt like. Usually, people would stare at him with attraction in their eyes, like they wanted to take his clothes off right where he was standing. Now, people looked at him like he had grown a second head, and rightfully so. 

It wasn't everyday that you'd see a man carrying his four-year-old daughter into the set of a series as explicit as Now Apocalypse. 

"Daddy, people keep staring," the little one tattled, slightly uncomfortable with the unsolicited attention she was getting from all the strangers. 

"I know," he nods. "Just ignore it." 

"Mommy said staring isn't polite." 

Avan smiles at that. It was a little funny that a four-year-old had better implementations of manners than most adults, but Avan couldn't blame "most adults" right now because it wasn't exactly bring your kid to work day but here he was with Luna perched on his arm and a light purple bunny-shaped bag on his shoulder. 

He wouldn't have brought his kid to the set of the explicit series if it wasn't completely necessary. See, Liz had a girl's trip that was three months in the making and she was leaving today. They would have left the little one to her aunts and/or uncles but unfortunately, none of them would be available until the next day and a babysitter wasn't exactly appealing to either of them (mostly Liz). 

"You're gonna leave our baby to some stranger?! So what? So she can get murdered or kidnapped or something?!"  were her exact words when they had the whole childcare discussion.

Babysitters weren't really Liz and Avan's thing. 

"Avan's in the house!" his co-star, Tyler Posley, hooted playfully at the man before noticing the young presence. "Woah, hello there. Bring-your-daughter-to-work day?" 

"Try mommy-doesn't-trust-babysitters day," he chides before feeling his daughter burrow her face into the crook of his neck, holding him just a little tighter. The father comfortingly runs his hand up and down her back, "Luna, this is Daddy's friend. His name is Tyler. He's nice." 

"Hi, Tyler," she shyly waves her little hand. 

"Hi," the older man replies politely, before shifting his attention to his co-star. "Avan, or do you go by Daddy?" 

"Shut up," he rolls his eyes, snorting. 

"Hair and make-up's looking for your a--" 

"Yeah!" he interrupts before Tyler could say the entirety of the word in front of Luna. "Let's go head to hair and make-up, bunny." 

He walks away with his daughter still in his arms towards his trailer. Arriving to the huge tin trailer, he places Luna on the floor, softly instructing her to go sit on the sofa bed. The little girl obeyed quietly and observed, fascinated by all the different brushes they used on her father. 

Later when Avan was all set and ready to go on camera, he settles his daughter in the trailer, spreading out the sofa bed so she had ample space to play and sleep when she needed to, set some "ground rules" (which really just meant that he told her not to misbehave or touch things that weren't hers). 

"I'm going to go shoot a scene, okay? I'll be back after. That nice lady over there," he points to one of the more matronly make up artists, "her name is Grace. She'll keep you company while Daddy's working. Got it?" 

A Pocketful of ElavanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora