Chapter 3 He Fell For Sora

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This is another dimension unlike your own-

Proceed with caution Mark


"Oh no!" Sora exclaimed with shock as he saw the young boy slam onto the floor. Roxas and Hayner ran over to them. "Crap, he seems knocked out-," Hayner said. "Ya think?!" Roxas yelled at Hayner's dumb statement.

Sora wasn't paying any attention to them and tried to shake the guy awake. "I hope he didn't-... Die-" Sora said. "From a fall like that, I wouldn't doubt it-" Hayner said a little too bluntly. Roxas sighed. "Try to keep positive will you Hayner? Sora, check for a pulse,"

Sora nodded and put his fingers on Mark's neck. He felt a few thumps. "Oh thank Kingdom Hearts, they're ok!"

Roxas sighed in relief. They both notice that Hayner was looking at something on the ground. "Hayner what are you looking at?" Roxas looked over in the direction Hayner was looking. "Come look at this," Hayner replied. Roxas got up and walked over. "What is it?"

"That... What is that?" Hayner said pointing to something on the ground. Roxas looked at it. It seemed to be some form of remote control. Roxas bent over and picked it up. "It... Looks like a video game controller... But... Not one I have ever seen before."

"Yeah, what is PlayStation?" Hayner said as he took it from Roxas, looking at it.

Sora overheard them. "Sounds close to that game console from Woody's world, "PlayPlus"

"Did it come from that portal with the guy? Hayner asked. "Maybe," Roxas said. "Wait... So he's from another world-?" Hayner asked as he looked at the guy.

Sora was studying the guy's face. "His face... It... looks like he belongs in the Caribbean World." He said as he could see that the newcomer's facial features looked very close to the citizens of that world. "But his clothes look nothing like them," Roxas chimed in.

They both heard a sound coming from the guy.

All three of the friends looked at him.

The guy slowly started to wake up. "Ow... My head-" The guy said as he sat up. He rubbed his forehead. "What even happened?"

Sora, Roxas, and Hayner weren't even near him. They were all behind him. They were both about to discuss if they were to bring him to the usual spot, a small little hideout and chill-out place Hayner had discovered for some time and all his friends meet up there, or to Yen Sid, an old Keyblade Master, who knows everyone in every world.

Sora was about to pick the usual spot, so the guy could rest a little since a sofa is in there, but that's when the guy started getting up.

The guy looked up. Sora and the rest could see that he was looking up at the clock tower.

"What the..? That tower looks like the clock tower from Twili-"

The guy stopped dead cold.

They noticed that it seemed the guy somehow knew about the clock tower.

But the guy gave a sudden outburst that scared all three of them behind him.


The guy heard the sound that the three boys made behind him. He turned around and was face to face with Sora.

Sora didn't know what to say, so all he said was-

"Hello! I'm Sora!"

The guy's eyes widen, and his face went VERY red.

"Hey, are you alright?" Roxas asked feeling very concerned for the guy.

The guy looked like he was about to pass out, and that's exactly what happened. The guy fell over and landed on the floor with a thud.

Sora looked down at the guy. "What just happened?" He asked very confusedly.

"Well-" Hayner said trying to sound smart. "It appears, that when he saw you, he spontaneously combusted and fell on the floor."

Sora rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Hayner?"

Hayner chuckled. "In other words, It seemed like he fell for you... Literally,"

Sora's face reddens a little. "Oh shut up Hayner..."

Roxas agreed with Sora. "Yeah, what do you even know about love or crushes?"

"A lot-" Hayner said smiling. "You wouldn't even know love even if it slapped you in the face-"

While Hayner and Roxas were talking, Sora looked over at the guy.

"I think we should bring him to the usual spot," Sora said. "He can rest on the couch in there"

Hayner and Roxas agreed. "Yeah, I was about to say that already," Hayner said. Roxas rolled his eyes. "Sure you were,"

Sora walked over to the guy and tried to pick him up, but couldn't. Even though the guy seemed thin enough, Sora still had a hard time.

Hayner sighed. "Have you not gained any form of muscle from swinging that Keyblade all day?" Hayner asked. He walked over to the guy and picked him up fine. "See? I'm the one with the muscles!"

"Yeah, we can see that- now stop flexing and just make sure you don't drop him Hayner-" Roxas said.

(End music)

Twilight Town ~ The Usual Spot

"Hello? Anyone here?" Sora called out as they entered the usual spot. They both saw their friend, Olette sitting on the couch doing homework. "Oh hey, guys! Oh! Hayner did you finish the homework we were-" She stopped talking when she noticed that Hayner was carrying someone. "Wait, um? Hayner? Who is that?" She asked now very concerned.

"It's a long story," Hayner said. Roxas and Sora nodded. "Yeah, it is," Sora said. "In front of the Station there was a portal and it shot someone out, and they landed on the ground and got knocked out," Hayner said. "Ok, Maybe not that long," Sora said.

"So... Is he from another world?" Olette asked. "He might be. His face seems like he could be from a world similar to the Caribbean World." Roxas said. Hayner walked over to the couch and lay the young guy on the couch. He got a pillow and put it on his head. "Then he got up, saw Sora, then he fell over again," Hayner said laughing softly.

Sora rolled his eyes. "Hayner... Stop..." He said.

"That's strange," Olette said. "Just make sure Donald doesn't find out. You know how he is when it comes to the oh so precious 'World Order'," Roxas said trying to say "World Order" in Donald's scratchy duck voice. Everyone laughed. "Yeah. Hopefully, Yen Sid will be of some help so we can get him back," Sora said.

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