Chapter 12 A Strange Hallway

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"Sora, I think it's time for me to explain to you what actually happened when I came here," Mark said. Sora was listening. "Sure, I'll always be here to talk about it," He said, giving his traditional heartwarming smile.

Mark smiled back. And then he started. "Before I came here, there was this guy covered in darkness standing across from me in my living room. He appeared just as the portal opened,"

"Do you think he could be the cause of why you are here with us?" Sora asked. Mark shrugged. "I don't know. Seifer just said he encountered it and said that it wanted me gone. Remember when we were in the room sleeping last night?"

Sora nodded. "Well... I saw it. And it said that it wanted me gone from here. So maybe he isn't the reason I am here. Why would he bring me here only to chase me out?"

"You got a point," Sora said. "But he seems dangerous-"

Mark nodded. "Is there anything we could do?"

"I can probably handle him fine because I have this-" Sora summoned his legendary Keyblade, the Kingdom Key.

Mark felt a rush of excitement. All this time of being with Sora and the rest, he hasn't seen his Keyblade.

"Woah!" Mark exclaimed. Sora giggled at Mark's excited face.

"I might be able to fight him, but probably not you-" Sora said.

Mark nodded realizing he has no weapons in case that were to happen.

"But... There is hope-" Sora said. He held his Keyblade putting the key end up to Mark.

"Grab a hold of it," Sora told him.

Mark didn't know what Sora was up to, but he did it anyways.

"In your hand, take this key. And so long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder, you shall one day be made."

Mark found himself staring into Sora's eyes while he spoke. It seemed like a line from a magical movie.

After Sora was finished. And de-summoned his Keyblade. "What... Was that?" Mark asked. Sora smiled. "A secret" He giggled.

"Hey, you wanna walk about for a while?" Sora asked. "With... That thing on the loose?"

"Don't worry Mark, I'll protect you," Sora said. Mark blushed a little.

They both walked around until they reached the train station. "Hey, you want to go up to the top of the clock tower?" Sora asked. Mark nodded. "Sure!" Mark smiled. He honestly couldn't wait to see what it's like up there.

They both went up the steps, and when they reached, Mark was amazed by how beautiful Twilight Town looked at this height. Sure, he has seen it before, but that was on a screen. Now he sees it in real life, with real-life textures.

"Just watch your step ok?" Sora said. Sora went ahead and sat down, and Mark did the same. "It is so beautiful!" He said. "It sure is!" Sora smiled.

Mark looked over at Sora. "I know my birthday already went by, but I got this game on my birthday... So... This is honestly the best birthday I had ever had" Mark smiled. Sora smiled along with him. "Well, what's your favorite part of all today? And yesterday?"

Mark looked at Sora, and his face went a little red. "Meeting you-" He said. Sora looked at him, and his face went red as well. "R-really?" He asked.

Mark nodded. "You... Are my favorite character, after all,"

Sora couldn't hide his blush. Mark giggled.

"I hope that you will be able to visit us after we get you home," Sora said.

"I... Honestly hope so too-"

They both sat there staring awkwardly at each other. Mark wasn't sure if Sora had the same feelings for him. He wanted to give Sora a small kiss on his cheek, but he wasn't sure what he would do. He didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Hey what's that?" He heard Sora say.

"What's what?"


Sora pointed at something on the ground. Mark realized he was pointing to something below them, so he looked.

That's when he saw it. There was a large, long rectangular object sticking off from the ledge off the front of the station.

There were beams under it that connected to the wall, probably for strong support.

"What is that-?" Mark said now completely realizing he had NEVER seen that in Twilight Town before.

"I know I never completed the game or started any other games from the series, but that looks like it does not belong there at all," Mark said. "I've been coming here for a long time and never seen that before-" Sora said.

Mark was worried.

'Could this be the doing of the thing?' He asked himself.

"Let's check it out" he heard Sora say.

"What?! But.. What if that thing is there?"

"If he is there, he won't be able to move after I am done with him."

Mark sighed. "Sora you are too optimistic"

Sora flashed his cute smile. "Everyone says that"

Mark chuckled. "Ok, fine. Let's see what it is"


They both got off the clock tower and walked toward the strange object.

As they got closer, they realized it was a hallway. And on either side, there was a door.

"What the? Those doors can't lead to anything, nothing but air is on the other side of the wall-" Mark said.

"I've walked through my doors in my life that lead me into another world. Maybe they lead to other worlds?" Sora asked.

Mark walked up to one. It was all green. And it looked like it had a pixel pattern. "What the heck is this?" Mark said.

"Should we open it?" Sora asked.

"Well... It's the only logical way to see what it's about-"

Sora noticed that there was a small screen next to the door, but there was nothing on it. "I wonder what that is for?"

Mark slowly put his hands on the knob and turned it. The door opened, and there was of course something on the other side.

"See what I told you? Had a feeling it would lead to another world or something. But... The real question is... What is that place?" Sora said.

Mark honestly couldn't believe what he was seeing through the door.

beautiful lush green land, with some trees, and a small house.

But... They were made of blocks.

"No way...." Mark said.

Sora looked at Mark and saw his shocked expression. "Hm? What is it?"

" one of my other video games....-


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